Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Semen + Ejaculation issues? -

Semen + Ejaculation issues? -

I have a quick medical question to pose. For a while now, my ejaculate
has been composed of the white carrier fluid and now some clear, stretchy clumps (think: rubber cement or a very tight gel). The clumps
come out in cylindrical shapes, and are quite sturdy. I have gone to the doctor and was diagnosed with chronic prostitis and recieved antibiotics, the size of the long gel like formations are smaller and almost pain free now, BUT they are still there....what are these? Is it really prostitis? Could being a chronic marijuana smoker affect this too....I have cut back smoking as well a little could that be why the lumps are smaller too?
go back and see your docter
Takes a long time to get rid of prostatitis, and the antibiotic regime is usually 20 - 30 days. Hopefully you saw a urologist, as regular docs tend to under prescribe, a 10 day dose just doesn-t get rid of it, only knocks it down. Good luck, sounds like you still have the infection to me.
Any of the above and all of the above, Ejaculate changes with diet, age, infection, and a hundred other factors. You are normal for you, don-t worry
go back to the doctor for a follow up
Semen + Ejaculation issues? -