Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Any experience w/ delayed ejaculation when taking Zoloft?? -

Any experience w/ delayed ejaculation when taking Zoloft?? -

Looking for average length of delay! Was it a positive or a negative? Beneficial for your sex life?

**Am having NO problem getting erections**

okay what-s the deal with same/related questions on the board.
apparently that-s one of the side effects(delayed ejaculation not repeating questions) of that drug.

oh snap! here was the link:


Some anti-depressant drugs such as Zoloft, Lexepro, and Welbutrin among others, known as Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors, can make it hard, and in some cases impossible for those who take them to ejaculate/orgasm. If this is a problem or a concern of yours, ask your doctor about alternative medications.
I took Zoloft and it didn-t seem to have any effect on my sexually, although I-m sure that differs from person to person.

FYI - I-ve known at least 2 men who had to stop taking Paxil because it didn-t just delay ejaculation, they couldn-t achieve orgasm at all.
So what with the delay as long as it happens!
Any experience w/ delayed ejaculation when taking Zoloft?? -