Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to cure premature ejaculation? -

How to cure premature ejaculation? -

The good news is that this is a problem that is highly curable, providing the man is willing to get help and invest the time and effort needed. It is believed that 80% to 90% of men are able to learn better control through therapy.

The first step to lasting longer is to become familiar with one-s self. Be comfortable with your body, its sensations and the feelings leading up to orgasm. You should learn and be able to predict when the orgasm will occur. This will prevent it from creeping up on you and taking you by surprise. This will also help you do what is necessary to prevent you from reaching that -point of no return.-

The -stop and start- method involves bringing yourself just before the point of no return and stopping all movement before it is too late. When the urgency to ejaculate subsides, start thrusting again, and repeat several times.

This can also be practiced using your partner-s hand, mouth or even by yourself. It may require some trial and error, as you may pass that point accidentally.

Many men have turned to Antidepressants drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft because of the benefits associated with Premature Ejaculation. However, there are side effects associated with those drugs.

I did a little research and found the following very helpful in explaining the cause for Premature Ejaculation and solutions for non-medical cures.

Wiki answers…

Go articles…

If you need more immediate results. Here you will find a Non-prescription alternative that has been proven to work on curbing Premature Ejaculation.

Easy, when you feel like you are about to ejaculate stop. then resume when the feeling goes away.
How to cure premature ejaculation? -