Monday, October 5, 2015

Ejaculation problem please help? -

Ejaculation problem please help? -

ok im 12 and i been ejaculating for about a week or 2 and so far i ejaculated about 4-5 times out of a week and a half and today and yesterday i been trying to ejaculate i even put porn on and still didn-t work and i tried harder , still nothing idk someone please help me

well at 12 you don-t have a dam down there as you need to refill your sperm bank and that can take time so relax do it less for a while and you will see a differencee in a few days.
maximum try it only two times a day . third time u will have to apply more effort . my advice just hang out with frnds and enjoy . and only do it once in a day or do it weekly every sunday .the more u do it will make ur tools muscles weak and u will have to feel embarrassed before ur girl . so save it for ur girl :D
it takes time for the balls to work up some action little man.. Take it easy and wait a few years before you start worrying about anything. You are young right now and thinking about hanging out with friends not jacking off yet.
you-re 12! you have no reason to look at porn at that age. go outside and play with some friends please
12mmmmmmmmmmm! howcan u watch porns? Child, take it easy ,i have exprienced that
Ejaculation problem please help? -