Thursday, November 19, 2015

Did i just have my first ejaculation? -

Did i just have my first ejaculation? -

ok im 11yrs old and i was masturbating then a drop of somthing white and stiky came out them more and more of this stuff came out like 20 drops did i just ejaulate for the first time

Yes, you did at last.!!!!
No, people do not go blind.
yes you did!
Well it sounds like you did. You discribed what is usually ejaculated from your penis. Yes it was your first.
yep it your first.
very graphic
but yes you did.
now dont masturbate to much or you-ll go blind
Yes,you did. Congrats! lol.
How many times are you going to ask this pathetic question?

YES, you ejaculated. Join the club. Now, do you feel all grown up? Just think, you now have discovered a new friend that you can play with when you are bored.

Go study your spelling words!
Did i just have my first ejaculation? -