Friday, January 8, 2016

What is the best cure for premature ejaculation? -

What is the best cure for premature ejaculation? -

ejaculating before three minutes of action

Masturbate earlier in the day. That usually helps by partially unloading the weapon.
you could try a c0ck ring.
Antidepressants, believe it or not. Antidepressants pro-long ejaculation time. I know, because I have a couple of friends that have gone through that same thing and their doctor put them on antidepressants to slow things up in that area and they said it worked wonders
Alcohol, or crystal meth.
Try a c**k ring.They are inexpensive and really work.
numzit on the head--or they have other brands but it works.
Try thinking about something completely unsexual like the pledge of allegiance or your cat dying...
Who needs a cure? Just tell the girl you can-t help it because you are so turned on by her. Please her in other ways. Whatever you do DONT APOLOGIZE! It makes you sound weak. She-ll love that you find her sexy.
See a doctor, see if it is medical.
What is the best cure for premature ejaculation? -