Sunday, May 22, 2016

What do you do with your pc muscle to prevent premiture ejaculation? -

What do you do with your pc muscle to prevent premiture ejaculation? -

Are you meant to flex it? contract it? leave it alone? lol i read somewhere that doing fast contractions at the point of ejaculating will stop it and you can keep going and repeat the process, tryed it and it dosnt work :S
The PC muscle plays a major role in ejaculation. Guys who have a strong pc muscle, can contract their pc when ejaculation is nearing and thus prevent premature ejaculation.

The exercise is basically contracting the muscle, holding it for 5 secs, then flexing it and contracting it all over again. However, remembering to do it is the most difficult part!
Its good to train it and get it ready, but when it comes down tho the act, its best to relax it, other than for the male multiple orgasm technique

this guys guide has some awesome info on it:��

Best way is to wack off before sex... second time last more than 2 times longer
if premature ejac is a problem for you, masturbate a couple hours before you are planning on having sex.

while having sex pay attention, slow down if you start if you are getting too excited, and it is okay to stop all together of you are right there.

it will take time, sex is like everything else, as you do it more and get older you will be able to control it better.
What do you do with your pc muscle to prevent premiture ejaculation? -