Monday, December 5, 2016

Guys Only Plz. Ejaculation Question? -

Guys Only Plz. Ejaculation Question? -

I am 15 (almost 16) and I was wondering what the normal time for ejaculation would be? Is 5 to 5 in a half minutes normal if you are masturbating?

that varies completely with everyone sum guys dont even take a minute others take half an hour watever ur time is its perfectly normal
usually you can control it, by thinking of different things while masturbating, the hotter the thinking, the shorter the time, also you can hold out for as long as you want.
It just all depends on how h-o-r-n-y you are when you do it...
Normal is whatever length of time that you want to beat it. If you are trying to ejaculate as fast as possible, then yes 5 minutes is good. If you want to last longer, you need to stroke at different speeds and stop along the way and knowing when to do so. You can make that great feeling last as long as you want it to.

Yahoo msg - mikestudster
Sure, that-s in a normal range. It may be a little on the long side (for someone your age), but believe me - it-s much better to take a little too long than to be too fast. Besides, you-ll get better with practice. ;)

Don-t sweat it though. You-re fine. It-ll change with the situation, your age, and your experience. Stop worrying, you-re normal - whatever that is.
You will go blind.
very normal. when it comes to masturbation, it-s all good. lol
5 minutes in a row? Man how horny are you gettin from them Cinemax shows?
Ya, it really depends on the rate you jack at but 5 min is a good time.
Sure that sounds about right. But if you wanna slow that down, then when you feel it coming lay off a bit. You can def go much longer this way.
It depends. I-m 13 and usually it takes me about that tim, but honestly it depends on like 2 things

1) How into the masturbation you are. Are you really trying to ejaculate or just doin for fun.
2) Sexy thoughts. If you think really sexy thoughts you might get to that point in masturbation faster.

But don-t stress on it, just let your body be its natural self.
I-ll answer this, dont feel bad that im female, but the time varies, could be anywhere from five minutes to three hours lol.
It depends on how horny you are and how fast you want to do it. I can ejaculate in a minute if I really try, or I can make it last 10 minutes.
Yea that a good time.
Guys Only Plz. Ejaculation Question? -