Friday, May 26, 2017

First ejaculation but nerves in penis went strange - is this normal? ? -

First ejaculation but nerves in penis went strange - is this normal? ? -

I-m 13 years and 10 months of age and today ejaculated for the first time. I have masturbated before but never pre-cummed or ejaculated, and today when I finally did the nerves in my penis felt strange - like a pulse type feeling - but my penis stayed erect until the ejaculation had finished. Is this normal?

This is normal. Congratulations for ejaculating for the first time, and your first orgasm. I first ejaculated at age 11, and I am 35 now, and remember my first orgasm, and ejaculation really well.
yep. very normal. It will be a pulse type feeling; you probably also felt a pinching or squeezing between your legs. I-m also willing to be that your penis got very sensitive after you ejaculated.

Cool--felt good, didn-t it? Now, go do it again, if you haven-t already.
ya...its called an 13 also but have ejaculated since i was 11

go here...i need your help;…

Yes, perfectly normal. Didn-t it feel GREAT?
Dude, its ure own little Penis-Pump. do it some more till it feels reaallly good ,
It-s called an orgasm. Take a health sex ed class.
First ejaculation but nerves in penis went strange - is this normal? ? -