Thursday, September 21, 2017

Ejaculation problems. Guys only please? -

Ejaculation problems. Guys only please? -

Im 13 and when i masterbated clear semen came out. Now when i masturbate nothing has come out at all for the last few weeks. What happened?

You probably didn-t make yourself -go-... And if you did and it was dry... (IE. you had that pumping sensation but nothing came out...) And this happened several days since your last ejaculation... you should get to your family doctor to check you out because your pluming may be seized to put it mildly.

If you have any discomfort in that area, again go see a doc!
I have the same problem but the clear semen is just to clean the urethra of urine so the sperm wont die. and i think your going to fast maybe you should take your time when you masterbate
Dude your 13 let your body grow up it probibly isnt ready to shoot the ooze give it time you only started puberty

Just try again in a few days... Are you under a lot of stress right now? I know that can sometimes cause the problems u r describing
ask a doc. ask ur dad if hes v.friendly and ur just 13 this can be normal when i was 13 i dint ejaculate much. if this keeps happening for a month or something u should consult a doc.
You-re out of love juice. Give it some time.
Ummmm. i don-t have a clue. See a Dr.
maybe you wore it out
Ejaculation problems. Guys only please? -