Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How do i over come premature ejaculation? -

How do i over come premature ejaculation? -

By far the most common exercise is the so-called start-stop technique. While the technique varies, the purpose is to get the male accustomed to maintaining an erection for an extended period of time while gradually increasing sexual tolerance.

In doing this exercise, you give yourself an erection through self-stimulation, or masturbation. After achieving an erection, stop stimulating yourself until you begin to lose your erection; at that point, start stimulating yourself again. Gradually, over a period of several weeks, you will be able to stimulate yourself for longer periods of time, eventually gaining ejaculatory control.

In order for this technique to be successful, you should avoid feeling discouraged if you ejaculate rapidly; instead, use your sexual responses to learn how to vary the technique in a way that works best.

Good luck!

The Cause of Severe Premature Ejaculation.

1. Extreme levels of arousal caused by the overproduction of sex hormones. Simply stated - Hormones control -everything- that happens during a sexual performance - from the erection to the ejaculation!

A normal ejaculation occurs when sexual excitement triggers glands, located inside your body, to begin a slow release of chemicals (hormones) into your blood stream. The slow release of these hormones tells your brain to gently stimulate the nerves at the glans (head of your penis). As you become more and more sexually excited, your body produces more and more of these hormones. The sensitivity becomes greater and greater until you reach the point at which time you ejaculate. Under normal circumstances the production of hormone is gradual and a man has the ability to control the sensations of sex.

Premature Ejaculation occurs when your body produces too much hormone too fast. Your body becomes -over stimulated-. The head of the penis becomes so sensitive that you ejaculate almost immediately. There is absolutely no control.

This Extreme Sensitivity on the head of your penis causes the ejaculatory mechanism, inside your body, to go into -spasms-. It-s these spasms that cause the overpowering Urge to Ejaculate. The head of your penis becomes so sensitive and the urge is so strong that you ejaculate immediately.
If you slow down the production of excess hormone - you slow down the ejaculation.

In fact, there-s NO product, exercise, or technique that can stop severe premature ejaculation when used alone. NONE! Severe premature ejaculation is an extremely complex condition the causes of premature ejaculation are both physical and psychological. To cure premature ejaculation requires a combination of products that simultaneously attack and eliminate each cause. Only Last-Longer has a combination of products strong enough to eliminate ALL aspects of both the physical and psychological causes of premature ejaculation.
Mind over matter LOL!!! And Practise ...Practise ...Practise and that is the best part
Most of this problem can be cure by your self which call self-help technique. The good resouce about this problem is


You can do follow some suggestion on this site.
Hope this can help.
relax and learn to control.
Stop wanking for a start. Masturbation to fast ejectulation is a learnt response. You now have a situation of -going for it- as fast as possible. Which you have trained you body to respond to. So, need to -wind down- a bit, let your partner know you have a -quick trigger-, don-t go for the prize, slow down and enjoy.

Teach your body to respond to another body, not your hand and head
you have to take it slow and easy..

when it comes the first time round, let it come and immediately ask your partner to continue foreplay and stimulate you for another round, and when you take it slow and easy, the second time round would be a much more pleasurable and wonderful experience!

All the best
Premature ejaculation can be controlled in many ways...

# Appreciate whole-body sensuality. Men often think sex happens only in the penis and only during intercourse. That view is a one-way ticket to uncontrolled ejaculation (not to mention erection problems, and women with those proverbial headaches).

# Never attempt to hold back ejaculation without first alternating to change focus of stimulation.

# Slower love making reflects anxiety and habit.

# Placing the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth can help retard ejaculation.

# Breathing deep helps to prolong the anticipation and/or anxiety.

# Alternating from constant strokes to deep circular motion helps to prevent over stimulation to the penis head, which triggers rapid ejaculation.

# Condoms are an excellent way of reducing sensitivity to the penis.

# Try making love with the woman on top. This position is more relaxing for men, and it often helps ejaculatory control.
You have to hold back as long as you can.
Do this over and over and you will eventually be able to last longer.
Another trick it getting off about two hours before you want to have sex. Then you aren-t as excited.
A great movie to watch that will be very helpful!…

Original Article:…

Premature ejaculation
Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner than they or their partner would like during sexual intercourse. As long as it happens infrequently, it-s probably not cause for concern. However, if you regularly ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish — usually, before intercourse begins or shortly afterward — you may have a condition known as premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction. In the United States, premature ejaculation affects about one in five men ages 18 to 59. Although the problem is often assumed to be psychological, biology also may play a role.
In some cases, premature ejaculation is a secondary problem related to erectile dysfunction. Men who are anxious about obtaining or maintaining their erection during sexual intercourse may form a pattern of rushing to ejaculate.
Numerous treatments, often used in combination, are available to improve premature ejaculation.
Signs and symptoms
There-s no medical standard for how long it should take a man to ejaculate. The primary sign of premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs before both partners wish in the majority of sexual encounters, causing distress for one or both partners. The problem can occur in all sexual situations, including masturbation, or may only occur during sexual encounters with another person.
Doctors often classify premature ejaculation as either primary or secondary:
·Primary premature ejaculation. You have primary premature ejaculation if you-ve experienced the problem for as long as you-ve been sexually active.
·Secondary premature ejaculation. You have secondary premature ejaculation if you developed the condition after having had previous, satisfying sexual relationships without ejaculatory problems.
Premature ejaculation is considered a psychological problem in some cases. Some doctors believe that early sexual experiences, especially those in which you may have hurried to reach climax in order to avoid being discovered, may establish a lifelong pattern. If you grew up in a family that considered sex dirty or sinful, you may also have developed guilty feelings that increase your tendency to rush through sexual encounters.
However, biological factors also may cause premature ejaculation. Some studies comparing men who experience premature ejaculation with those who don-t have found differences between the two groups in certain hormone levels and in the sensitivity of their genitalia.
Risk factors
Various factors can increase your risk of premature ejaculation, including:
·Impotence. You may be at increased risk of premature ejaculation if you occasionally or consistently experience impotence. Fear of losing your erection may cause you to rush through sexual encounters.
·Health problems. If you have a medical concern that causes you to feel anxious during sex, such as a heart problem, you may have an increased likelihood of hurrying to ejaculate.
·Stress. Emotional or mental strain in any area of your life can play a role in premature ejaculation, often limiting your ability to relax and focus during sexual encounters.
·Certain medications. Rarely, drugs that influence the action of chemical messengers in the brain (psychotropics) may cause premature ejaculation.
When to seek medical advice
Talk with your doctor if you ejaculate sooner than you and your partner wish during most sexual encounters. The problem is common, and although you may feel you should be able to fix it on your own, you may need medical treatment to achieve and sustain a satisfying sex life.
Screening and diagnosis
Doctors diagnose premature ejaculation based on a detailed interview about your sexual history. Your doctor may ask a number of very personal questions and may want to include your partner in the interview. While it may be uncomfortable for both of you to talk frankly about sexual matters, the details you provide will help your doctor determine the cause of your problem and the best course of treatment. A mental health professional may help make the diagnosis.
Be prepared to answer questions about:
·Your religious upbringing
·Your early sexual experiences
·Your sexual relationships, past and present
·The circumstances in your life and in your sexual relationship at the time you began experiencing premature ejaculation
·Any conflicts or concerns within your current relationship
Your doctor will also want to know about your health history, including your use of prescription or recreational drugs, and may perform a general physical exam.
If you-re experiencing premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, your doctor may order blood tests to check your male hormone levels.
While premature ejaculation doesn-t increase your risk of serious health problems, it can cause distress in your personal life, including:
·Relationship strains. The most common complication of premature ejaculation is conflict between you and your partner. If premature ejaculation is straining your relationship, ask your doctor about including couple-s therapy in your treatment program.
·Fertility problems. Premature ejaculation can occasionally make fertilization difficult or impossible for couples who are trying to become pregnant. If premature ejaculation isn-t effectively treated, you and your partner may need to consider infertility treatment.
Treatment options for premature ejaculation include sexual therapy, medications and psychotherapy. Two or more of these treatment approaches often are used in combination.
Sexual therapy
In some cases, sexual therapy may involve simple steps such as masturbating an hour or two before intercourse so that you-re able to delay ejaculation during sex. Your doctor also may recommend avoiding intercourse for a period of time and focusing on other types of sexual play so that pressure is removed from your sexual encounters.
Your doctor may instruct you and your partner in the use of a method called the squeeze technique. This method works as follows:
·Step 1. Begin sexual activity as usual, including stimulation of the penis, until you feel almost ready to ejaculate.
·Step 2. Have your partner squeeze the end of your penis, at the point where the head (glans) joins the shaft, and maintain the squeeze for several seconds, until the urge to ejaculate passes.
·Step 3. After the squeeze is released, wait for about half a minute, then go back to foreplay. You may notice that squeezing the penis causes it to become less erect, but when sexual stimulation is resumed, it soon regains full erection.
·Step 4. If you again feel you-re about to ejaculate, have your partner repeat the squeeze process.
By repeating this as many times as necessary, you can reach the point of entering your partner without ejaculating. After a few practice sessions, the feeling of knowing how to delay ejaculation may become a habit that no longer requires the squeeze technique.
Certain antidepressants, including the group called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), cause a side effect of delayed sexual climax in many people. Although these drugs aren-t approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of premature ejaculation, studies have shown them to be safe and effective for this condition, and many doctors prescribe them for this purpose.
Your doctor may prescribe one of several selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), including sertraline (Zoloft), paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil CR) or fluoxetine (Prozac, Prozac Weekly, Serafem), to help you delay ejaculation. If the timing of your ejaculation doesn-t improve, your doctor may prescribe the tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine (Anafranil), which also has been shown to benefit men with this disorder.
You may not need to take these medications on a daily basis to prevent premature ejaculation. Taking a low dose several hours before you plan to have sexual intercourse may be sufficient to improve your symptoms. If you are very sexually active or don-t respond to as-needed dosing, your doctor may recommend taking your prescribed medication daily. Talk with your doctor to determine the best medication schedule for your needs.
Topical anesthetic creams containing lidocaine and prilocaine also may help improve premature ejaculation by reducing sensation in your penis. Before use, make certain you have no history of a reaction to lidocaine or prilocaine. You can apply an anesthetic cream a short time before intercourse and wipe it off when your penis has lost enough sensation to help you delay ejaculation. Be sure to thoroughly remove the cream before intercourse so that your partner doesn-t experience genital numbness.
In many cases, sexual therapy or medications can resolve premature ejaculation. However, if personal issues — such as conflict between you and your partner or mental health problems — appear to play a significant role in causing premature ejaculation, your doctor may recommend psychotherapy.
This approach, also known as counseling or talk therapy, involves talking about your relationships and experiences with a mental health professional. These talk sessions can help you find effective ways of coping with and solving problems. For many couples affected by premature ejaculation, talking with a therapist together may produce the best results.
In some cases, premature ejaculation may be caused by poor communication between partners or a poor understanding of the differences between male and female sexual functioning. Women typically require more prolonged stimulation than men do to reach orgasm, and this difference can cause sexual resentment between partners and add pressure to sexual encounters. For many men, feeling pressure during sexual intercourse increases the risk of premature ejaculation.
Open communication between sexual partners, as well as a willingness to try a variety of approaches to help both partners achieve satisfaction, can help reduce conflict and performance anxiety. If you-re not satisfied with your sexual relationship, talk with your partner about your concerns. Try to approach the topic in a loving way and to avoid blaming your partner for your dissatisfaction.
If you-re not able to resolve sexual problems on your own, talk with your doctor. He or she may recommend seeing a therapist who can help you and your partner achieve a fulfilling sexual relationship.
Coping skills
Many men who experience premature ejaculation feel frustrated and even ashamed. It may help you to know that this problem is common and often very treatable. Talk to your doctor if it-s causing distress for you or your partner.
While you explore treatment options, consider taking the pressure off the sexual side of your relationship. Some doctors recommend avoiding intercourse entirely for a short time and sharing other forms of physical pleasure and affection instead. Connecting in this way can help you re-establish a satisfying physical bond with your partner and lay the foundation for a fulfilling sexual relationship.

Mar 2, 2005
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A tight rubber band at the base of your thinggy
just keep cumin
stop masturbating
How do i over come premature ejaculation? -