Thursday, June 28, 2018

What prevent early ejaculation? -

What prevent early ejaculation? -

i have tried different means like relaxing of mind,holding the tip of dick,etc but i still ejaculate ealy ,,pls help

This question has been asked over 2000 times. There hasn-t been any new cures for premature ejaculation since it was asked an hour ago.
Relaxation while having sex is the best way to prevent premature ejaculation. Don-t get so emotionally and physically excited and the problem will go away.

The more uptight you get about premature ejaculation, the more it will be a problem.
an exercise you can do is lay on your back and bend legs and raise hips into the air as high as you can, and act like your holding your pee really tight hold for about a minute. this will give you more control and make your orgasm more pleasurable and powerful
Stop moving and just be still while your partner is working to ***. after you have subsided a bit you can move again but if you are about to *** stop again and repeat what you just did to avoid early ejac.
There are a number of methods that have worked for me. The male multiple orgasm method is one technique...check this out

-Guide to Overcoming Premature Ejaculation-:…

run. there are lots of different **** people say but running or any kind of cardio(swimming, biking) helps a top with endurance. do at least 30 minutes a day.
apply a Desentizing Cream.

Play with yourself before the big moment
Flick the Tip
push in your douch really hard-
feels great aswell
wrap a rubber band around your wang
What prevent early ejaculation? -