Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ejaculation after sex? -

Ejaculation after sex? -

My husband and I are trying to have children. I have PCOS. He will ejaculate inside me then while laying day more comes out of his penis. Is this normal. I mean there is a great deal inside me when he does ejaculate. I just think it is odd it doesn-t all come out at the same time. Does anyone else have this hapend?
Thank you

its totally normal. its just whats left very very slowly coming out
If your vagina is tight, then the initial pulses of ejaculate make it out, but the final waves may be limited from coming out because it can-t overcome the pressure. It is only after he removes his penis that it can be released. If you want to capture that as well, have him leave his penis inside you after orgasm. As his penis becomes limp, squeeze your muscles around him to squeeze out the remaining ejaculate inside you.

This is normal and happens to me as well - but I enjoy leaving it inside for a while afterward. :)
Ejaculation after sex? -