Thursday, July 26, 2018

How can you overcome premature ejaculation? -

How can you overcome premature ejaculation? -

Premature Ejaculation is a very common and very serious problem suffer by 1 out of 4 males. The causes of premature ejaculation range from person to person and from psychological to physical. Men are frustrated of having ejaculation prior to female’s orgasm. The average time a male suffering from premature ejaculation is less than 5 minutes of intercourse before they ejaculate.

What Should You Do?
The best solution is to strength your body and allow you to control yourself last longer. Try to delay ejaculation by practicing our highly effective and popular technique, “Natural Ejaculation Control Technique”.

Come visit our Premature Ejaculation Resource Center for more information such as myths of PE, exercises, and herbs that can help. There you can find a technique we call the “Natural Ejaculation Control Technique” that will strengthen your body and allow you to control yourself to last longer.

Natural Ejaculation Control Technique:…

Hi, I gave this advice to a guy not long ago, and I think it would help you too. Good Luck and most of all don-t stress yourself out over it, stress will make matters worse, I know its hard not to, easier said than done and all that but don-t worry.
relax and learn to control by practise more on bed
actually, it-s not your fault to ejaculate...we men do actually have temptations! but the best way to overcome is, is to remove materials which influence it... example (xxx videos, etc...)

in my case, i make myself busy.... like play games and study or stuff..
if not i always make sure i have somebody with me, so i have a restraining force beside me...
Try, try, try again if you fail keep trying again. Have fun in the meantime
Rub one out before you get started. The second always takes longer!
How can you overcome premature ejaculation? -