Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Is that premature ejaculation? -

Is that premature ejaculation? -

When i watch sex scenes in movies,my penis is stimulated and ejaculates very soon.I masturbate.

If it occurs less than 30sec after watching the sex scene, then yes.
Ohh you need to go slow then eventually speed up a bit.. a few -half digs- than go deep once every while.. :) You really need to control the desire to shoot and prolong the period..
I would prefer using -natural- solution to cure rather than taking pills :)
I have learnt quite a few techniques myself from one book.. hehe..
Remember there-s a saying -it isn-t the size of that matters, it-s how long and how many times you can make it stand- :)

Check Out This Report Today --

Discover The Secrets To Stop Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed. Finally A Remedy For Premature Ejaculation.
Give Your Sexual Partner A Better Sex Life Today!
There-s no strict timing for ejaculation Whenever a man reaches orgasm before he wants to, experts agree, it-s Premature Ejaculation. Some studies have found that, For a normal couple the average time sex lasted was 7.8 minutes and For a man with PE the average time before ejaculation was 1.8 minutes, If you and your partner are happy with your two three minutes, you don-t have to consider yourself as a premature ejaculator.…
Is that premature ejaculation? -