Friday, September 21, 2018

Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation? -

I have a premature ejaculation problem. It comes out wihtin few seconds. How can i remove sesitiveness f my penis? How can i stay longer during sex. But i don not have erectile desyfunction problem.

Rubbing your winky with fine grit sandpaper twice a day will help remove the sensitivity.
I-ll tell you the one most important thing about it: do not fear it! Most of the time it is caused by psychological fear of getting there too fast, -grow up- and quit worrying. There are also some exercises that will help, for example: try making love with somebody that you don-t really like (after having a glass of wine). See sources for more.
I-d advise seeing your physician. Often times they can prescribe some medications (anti-depresants) which can help delay ejaculation. Another trick is to use a condom (which you should probably be using anyway) to desensitize your penis. You might also try spraying a bit of throat spray on your penis before applying a condom. You know the spray you get for a sore throat that numbs it. Just be careful to not get any on the outside of the condom or your partner might not be so pleased.
Try masturbating till you are about to ejaculate then stopping, calming down and then doing it again. Try doing that till you have to do it longer. Also, try pulling out and stopping for a moment. Also, there are alot of creams you can get to desensitize it at most adult book stores.
for your problem what you do is 1.Stop thinking about sex 24 hours a day 2.Contract and relax your rectal muscles about 100 times a day 3.Wait and prolong your foreplay and think of satisfying your female partner than your than about your own satisfaction 4.wait in foreplay till your partner demands for insertion of your that is the time female is ready for copulation and has been readied for sexual intercourse by the female secretion and you will encounter minimal resistance and your premature ejaculation will be history
don-t try it but 4 advic/se cut it
There is a book that-s out that may be able to help you cope with this problem. Don-t loose hope.

-Coping With Premature Ejaculation-
by Michael E. Metz, Barry W. McCarthy
Premature ejaculation? -