Saturday, October 27, 2018

A seizure feeling after ejaculation....? -

A seizure feeling after ejaculation....? -

a few seconds after ejaculating yesterday, i got a weird feeling. i can only describe it as a really warm almost hot feeling that rushed over my body and i could not move. i have never had this before and very interested as to why this happened. i-m 29 almost 30 years old and like i said, never experienced something like this. it almost seemed to me like what a seizure would feel like. is this possible? i didn-t like how it felt and have never felt it before. any ideas?
im not sure but i dont think its a seizure. usualy when im about to have a seizure my mind goes completly blank and i black out a little. it could be a different type of seizure but id say its something else.
lol maybe you were doing it to hard lol

Can u actually die from jerkin off? I wonder what its gonna say in your obituary one day.
A seizure feeling after ejaculation....? -