Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What causes premature ejaculation and how can it be reduced? -

What causes premature ejaculation and how can it be reduced? -

You are way to intense during sex and that makes you come that quick
Try the start and stop technique and practice kegel exercises.
You can google them both,

you need to masturbate more.

when you are, as soon as you feel like your getting close, stop touching yourself until it goes away. then continue masturbating.

you basically need to increase your stamina. its a common problem, getting over excited. you also need to have mental control, dont think about sex until you actaully start, that way your hormones wont flood you before you get going, and you-l last longer. similarly while doing it, thinking about soemthing non-sexual enhances stamina.

just need practice. good luck.
Take the Premature Ejaculation pill called PreJac.

It works wonderfully.
when you are going for a sexual encounter have a tactical w-nk first that should delay the second one
Spending far too much time on Yahoo answers has been known to produce a premm - ohhhh crap!

Sorry, got to go
yes go talk to your doc about it there are thinga out there to help
What causes premature ejaculation and how can it be reduced? -