Thursday, May 11, 2006

What can i use to delay ejaculation? -

What can i use to delay ejaculation? -

I used to try the mental tricks (grandma, baseball stats, etc.) and they work to some degree, but stopping for a while and stimulating your partner in some other way is much more reliable and allows you to be present for the experience. I also talked about it with my last girlfriend, and I discovered that she didn-t mind if I ejaculated, put on a new condom, and kept going. The second time lasts much longer. In this way, it doesn-t matter how long I last the first time. Initially, she would stop after the first time because she thought that I needed a rest, but once we discovered that we both wanted to keep going, things got a lot more enjoyable!

Practice while masturbating, at the point of ejaculation stop, think of anything that turns you off sex, football, an argument, someone you really dislike, you will eventually find something that really turns you off, then start again. You will find this can give you the power to delay ejaculation as long as you want to.
The power of thought, eg, your grandmother taking a dump.
You can buy a delay spray from any sex shop
If your having sex, then you could double up on condoms. If you are masturbating then you just have to stop right before climax. Then after the sensation is gone you can keep going again.
I agree with the above comments, except perhaps the granny taking a dump one! Also, try having non-penatrative sex with your partner. Get used to lengthy and relaxed sessions that involve no pressure. It-s better to explain to your partner why you want to try this. If she understands your intentions, then she-s the right person to be with.
Take your mind off sex. It doesn-t mean think about somebody you hate, just maybe something you have to do! A TV show maybe. Just anything to take your attention off cumming.
You could try wearing yourself out by having more
I dont know what you can do but dont use two condoms they are more likely to split!
either stop what you are doing or make a cup of T for your partner then go on for more.
When my boyfriend and I are having sex he always wants to go for a long time. So to make that happen he thinks about sex while trying to please me but he thinks about other things as well, work, college, things he has to do, etc. It lasts a long time that way trust me. I hope that helps.
cut off ur balls
What can i use to delay ejaculation? -