Friday, June 23, 2006

Whats Ejaculation? -

Whats Ejaculation? -

i know i sound super young, but im not and i have an idea, but im confused bout it.

LOL, this a joke right? I am sure you know what it is otherwise you wouldn-t know to put this in the Men-s Health category.
lol, i love how females answered this question...

ejaculation is when the male sex organ, the penis, gets aroused through contact or via other means, and gets hard. blood fills the penis, soon sperm and semen mix together and eject out of the penis... for more info, wikipedia is a good source, lol
Ejaculation is the ejecting of semen from the penis, and is usually accompanied by orgasm. It is usually the result of sexual stimulation, which may include prostate stimulation.
Its when I guy gets an orgasm from sex, wet dream, or masturbation, or (electro ejaculation), and semen comes out of his penis. This semen contains sperm which go into a woman-s egg and gets her pregnant.
When a guy is flying a fighter plane and it looks like he-s gonna crash, he hits the Ejaculate button and pops out the top.

Then semen comes out of his penis.
It-s what makes baby become a real thing
.. . ..
Along with mommy
.. .. ..
The semen that carries the mans sperm to the woman. To find the little egg to begin a new life.
.. . ..
its when a man releases sperm from his penis.

please answer!;…

It means to eject semen from the penis during orgasm. Ask someone else for a more in-depth terminology.

How old are you, anyway?
its like early *** coming out of a penis before he really cums. (semen) it supposedly still get you pregnant if that gets in you.
its hard to explain buht i tried
It-s the process of expelling semen (what comes out of a man) when a man orgasms.
Look it up in the dictionary. Or the encyclopedia.
it-s when a man releases his sperm.... taaa daaaa!
aka.. his penis leeks white stuff... it-s actually kinda awesome!
When semen comes out of the erect penis as a result of masturbation or sex (or both).
it does sound like u are young but if ure not here goes nothin wen a dude jacks off his u kno wat gets hard
Go read a health or biology text book from school or ask your parents.
your 5. ask your dad
Can-t tell you you-re super young.
ha ha ha ha
it is when the sperm comes out of the penis...
lol oh c-mon...
ask ur mom...
ask ur health teacher....
its when a man has an orgasm and sperm comes out of his penis.
its what happens after a tug of war game ends. haha
Whats Ejaculation? -