Friday, December 15, 2006

I was wandering if there is any thing a person can take to increase the amount of ejaculation one has ? -

I was wandering if there is any thing a person can take to increase the amount of ejaculation one has ? -

keep your testes cool and dont ejaculate for a few days then you should see an extra amount of semen

There are some suppplements you can take to improve the amount sperm and semen maybe see your doctor about this,
just be happy about what you can do though dont worry!
Well I normally have alot of ***...I dont think its way I eat..I think it just varies from guy to guy...But when you go a week without masturbating..their will be more.
Zinc and Vitamin C
Why are you seeking an increase, unless you are over 50years? Your body has just the right amount of what it needs for each particular moment. Don-t try to measure your worth-s by what you see. It-s the things you don-t see that should bother you. What if you never had an ejaculation...think about that?
It is the sperm count that matters not quanitity of ejaculation.Have a sperm count done and if it is ok forget quantity.Natural ways are eating germinated seeds,goose berries and dates and Vitamin E
abstain for a few days, rehydrate, healthy diet, lots of stimulation
never measured it as once you have sex the semen is left inside the womens body.
and no way you or anyone can measure it.

unless you mastrubate in front of your girlfriend and when it comes out you measure it.
The less you masturbate / have sex then the more you will have. The body can only produce so much.
You need to ask yourself is it that important!

Good luck
eat lots of potatoes
if hter was anything out there that would help produce more sperm, men wouldnt ever have a prob with low sperm count. Try not having sex every day. i found out that sex once a week will the best orgasm going, and god it it messy lol. but i like sex every day
just start saving your ejaculate loads, and drink em down, you-ll have the amount you are looking fer then
there-s a lot of different supplements one can take for that, just go to your local supplement store and ask, but anyone that increases testosterone like horny goat weed and such do just fine!
No. Refrain from masturbating, and when you have sex you will produce more.
Leowin is right old pal. The semen are all the tiny little chaps, and you want loads of them, but there will either be loads of them, average, or below average, in your 10cc-s of ejaculation. The average mans ejaculation is 100cc-s. How do you think that rock group got its name! Look it up.

Reduce your alcohol/drugs/tobacco intake, be good to your boys, and your boys will be good to you!

Good luck, ITS A SEA OUT THERE!!!
I was wandering if there is any thing a person can take to increase the amount of ejaculation one has ? -