Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Why does i bleed during ejaculation? -

Why does i bleed during ejaculation? -

I masturbate a few hours ago and i bleed during ejaculation, help me

I think you need to go to a doctor.
You could have ruptured a blood vesel continuous strain of the muscles and rough movments like masturbation can cause a slight cut in a blood vesel. Also you body could be warning you you have a bad batcteria infection also called a std wich you should go to plan parent hood and they will give you antibiotics.
see a doctor now.
Go to the frakin doctor!!
You might have burst a blood vessel...might wanna get that checked out.
Doctor immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
that-s awful
i had the same thing... there are several normal things that could make this happen. mine was way-rough sex.
but if it happens more than twice go to the doc man!
thats really bad, go to the doctor now!
Get to a Dr asap.
Go to your doctor.
that is not normal and you see to see a doctor ASAP. it could be serious
you need to see a doctor...
See a doctor. Blood is a bad thing generally from there.
if u want information about ejaculation
4 realz?
If ya cant afford a doctor......go to the health dept......or heck google this...i remember a while back i had blood on the front of my underwear ....but i was not spanking my monkey !
You need to see a physician (possibly a urologist) right away. That is not a normal thing.
It-s definitely time to see a doctor... embarrasing I know but it needs to be done. They may refer you to a urologist. Good Luck. :-)
Why does i bleed during ejaculation? -