Thursday, May 17, 2007

Burning penis after ejaculation? -

Burning penis after ejaculation? -

Ok so I warned my bf that we need to wait for my vaginal infection to clear up[of course after taking meds] to have sex but he wouldnt listen. Now he-s telling me that when he ejaculates he has this burning feeling. Can someone help me? I talked to a doctor at planned parenthood and they told me that the infection cannot be transfered, but something is going on here.

He needs to go to a Dr. IMMEDIATELY because he may have epiditimitus, which is a bacterial infection in the testicles.

Most likely, he will get Doxycyclene which he will have to take for 20-30 days.

You cannot have sex during this time and you need to finish you medication and get another 2 week add on.
Well, I don-t know why, the docs told YOU that!!! Because when I was with one of my past girlfriends, make the mistake of having sexual relations with her, while she had a similar infection. And it caused me to have discomfort, when I urinated. I can-t remember, if it happened during ejaculation, tho!!! But I do know, that when she got over her infection, my problem, got better too !!! So it was apparent, that one lead to the other, in my opinion!!!
It depends what the infection is, you haven-t told us that.

Bacterial or yeast infections can indeed be transferred to a penis. If you are being treated for one of those, then he needs to get to a doctor now to cure his penis.

I-m not sure what your planned parenthood doctor is talking about. but again, maybe i-m misunderstanding what your original problem is.

Edit: If it burns during ejaculation, it is not all cleared up. He needs a doctor. You need to both clear this infection at the same time, or you-re going to keep giving it to each other over and over. Stop having sex until you are both done with a full course of treatment.

If the doctor tells him he doesn-t need a prescription, that-s fine. But he has to ask.
he jakced off to hard
he jacked off too hard

he is a pussy
Burning penis after ejaculation? -