Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Question about ejaculation? -

Question about ejaculation? -

My boyfriend and I have been sexually active for a long time now. He comes within 10 mins max while masturbating, but when we have sex it takes him 45 mins. He has a foreskin and I think that might be the issue. We used all sorts of condoms. Any advice for him to come faster?

Wow! Glad to hear that you have been using condoms from the start *and* I hope you have had your Gardasil before you started having sex!

I presume you aren-t ready for a baby yet, so this matter isn-t critical. I would advise a couple of ways of looking at it. It occurs to me that *most* girls can-t come from vaginal intercourse anyway, so it isn-t really as surprising as you might think if this sometimes happens to guys.

Guys often -habituate- to rather rapid stroking when masturbating and you just can-t thrust that fast in intercourse. In fact, you might find it rather difficult to stroke him that fast for long enough by hand - that may mean that he has to -do it himself-.

The one thing you could try during intercourse, is to practice - and I mean *practice* - gripping him tightly with your vagina. Practice it (you might know it is called -Kegel exercises-) throughout the day as well, -gripping- for five seconds each time (you won-t actually be able to hold it for this long, at least to start with) twenty times in a row. Then thirty the next week, forty, fifty, sixty - and half a dozen times throughout the day.

Even if it doesn-t make him come, he-ll love it. And other than that, just -chill out- - enjoy what you do.

Oh, foreskin? well, he pulls it back, doesn-t he?
I am a little puzzled about the notion that your vagina might be -too- tight. It can be too tight to allow penetration in the first place, but (using lubrication of course) once in, the pressure of the vagina is generally a positive thing.

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You seem very misinformed about sex for someone who has been active for a long time. Most women would be over the moon if their man lasted 45 minutes!
The basic problem is either that he is anxious (about getting caught or an unwanted pregnancy) or that he doesn-t fancy you sexually. Or maybe he is gay, though he may not have figured that out yet?
Whether or not he has a foreskin is irrelevant. If that was the problem, it would also be apparent when he masturbated.
well personally ive only heard of issues of the opposite, usually men *** to quick and it makes the women upset that they didnt hang in there and make the female ***, which makes them mad at men, but anyways, try more foreplay, turn it around, but personally id take it as a gift!! LOL good luck!
Do a lot more foreplay before starting intercourse. The more excited he is for a longer duration the easier it will be for him to get it done. Try more intense positions too (more intense for him that is).
are you yapping while this is going on? that could be the problem...chit chat and asking what the problem is doesn-t for a solution make...
LOL....a woman complaining it is taking too long for her man to ejaculate, wow...this is priceless. Offer him a tighter hole, get anal.
Question about ejaculation? -