Monday, April 28, 2008

Is it bad that my husbands ejaculations seem to be chunky? -

Is it bad that my husbands ejaculations seem to be chunky? -

we-ve been trying to conceive for a few months now, and ive been noticing that his ejaculations seem to be chunky ish. kind of like... the drying still kinda moist bit of lotion that comes out from the tip after its sat there for a bit

is it bad? could this be effecting our chances of conceiving?

It sounds bad. I-ve never heard of it.
Sperm can really vary in consistency, from -chunky- like you described it, to very watery. Just the same, there can be only a little bit that comes out or a ton. It can change a lot even with the same guy: he could have a small amount of thick sperm one day, and a lot of watery sperm the next.

I-m going to get a bit graphic on you here, but I feel personal experience is the best way to describe this. With myself, I-ve found that if I have a -quick- orgasm, it tends to be a small, thick amount of ejaculate. However, if I spend a long time getting aroused (either with or without my girlfriend) I tend to have a lot more and it-s a lot more watery. Medically, I would say that the prostate gland and other glands of the male reproductive system are producing more and more fluids over time and that-s what-s changing the consistency.

Regardless, the amount of actual sperm cells in the ejaculate should be the same whether or not it-s thick or thin, so I assume the chance to conceive would be the same in either case. However, bigger amounts of ejaculates tend to be more -explosive-, so there is a possibility with more ejaculate it could be pushed deeper toward your uterus and give you a chance to conceive. I can-t back that up though, that-s just a logical guess.

Hope that helps
Well ejaculation is made of a whole bunch of thing besides sperm, like minerals and protein. I could just be his diet,stress, wear tight pants. If he wears briefs tell him to switch to boxers. Also if he has a laptop on his lap while using it he should stop because heat lowers the sperm count. Also smoking lowers sperm count. Have him drink some protein powder in milk. And see what comes out the next day, a good amount should come out. If not then go see a doctor.
cactus, your guy needs to stay hydrated and eat more fresh fruit. Overuse of alcohol or tobacco may also be drying him out.
(Suddenly, I do my best Dr. House impression...)

-He-s getting too much fiber in his diet...and he-s cheating on you with a farm animal...I recommend you take some Nyquil for a couple of days and get a really good lawyer...-
Isn-t that a bit odd? Maybe he should see a doctor. That just reminds me of yoghurt, when it goes off...

Sorry, but that just doesn-t seem right.
the reason that a man sprem shows chunky its when he its not having to much sex so his sperm concentrates till comes out
ooo very weird ive never heard of this before

go see a doctor right away
Yes definately. Have him see his doctor about it.
chunky lol
Hes firing blanks!
Is it bad that my husbands ejaculations seem to be chunky? -