Sunday, July 26, 2009

Please tell me how can one avoid pre-mature ejaculation.Does nutrition pay a role.? -

Please tell me how can one avoid pre-mature ejaculation.Does nutrition pay a role.? -

You can practice Stop and Start Technique.When you anticipate ejaculation press the glanse penis for few seconds few times daily for some days, till you get control on ejaculation.You can also advise your girl friend to do the same with you.You can take Floxetin orally daily with physician advice.

Nutrition is not going to help unless you are in bad health in which case eating healthily may improve things.
I would say that practice mastrubating without ejeculating will eventually improve matters, also get your girlfriend to make you ejaculate once before you both actualy begin sex - your second orgasm will take a bit longer to achive so you will last longer inside her before you ejaculate semen from your penis.
First wear a condom, which unless you are in a monogamous relationship with someone you know is healthy and want to have children with you should be doing anyway. It will make prevent you from feeling as much, and as a result you will be stimulated less, you will take longer to reach orgasm, and will last longer.

The second is to do what Adam Collrolla refers to as “taking a bullet out of the chamber.” Masturbate, or Give yourself a bit of that good loving a few hours before you intend to be with your girlfriend, it takes the pressure off, and makes things last longer and makes it more enjoyable for both of you.
a few shots of jack daniels will do the trick!
Nutrition surely doesn-t make any difference.
But there are so many books around that focus on this topic. Or as you seem to have a PC and know how to use the Internet, just browse through the tons of articles to teach you techniques how to improve it..
Just relax. Sounds trite, I know but premature ejaculation can be caused by simply becoming overexcited.
Please tell me how can one avoid pre-mature ejaculation.Does nutrition pay a role.? -