Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aching Penis after ejaculation? -

Aching Penis after ejaculation? -

My male friend isnt able to get an erect penis after he ejaculates because his penis aches, and if he were to withstand the aching he wouldnt physically be able to ejaculate again, does he need to see a doctor, has anyone else had the same problem? He also suffers from premature ejaculation. Please no wise cracks this guy needs some help, he-s too embarressed to ask himself x

The penis automatically becomes flaccid (in most cases) after ejaculation and often -tender- feeling. Usually it would be uncomfortable and sometimes painful to continue stimulation until the refractory period is completed. If the male has been circumcised too tightly (that is to say too much skin has been removed), it may heighten friction and pain from stretching during the erect stage which might not become noticeable until the post-ejaculation period. It is also possible for the testicles to -ache- after ejaculation particularly if the male hadn-t ejaculated previously for a long time prior (a condition commonly refered to as -blue balls-). However, if your friend thinks something might be wrong, I-d suggest he sees a urologist, who can more accurately determine whether it-s nothing, or something to worry about.
go see a doctor
yea right, and you are really his friend asking his question . . . like anyone believes you. it is you who has this problem! Get that surgery called -addadicktome-
i think he should see a doc
that doesn-t really sounds like premature ejaculation but more like a sort of penile dysfunction known as priaprism i think your friend needs to consult with a physician to get a treatment
From the net
The most common cause of these complaints is an inflammation of the prostate gland, so called prostatitis. Symptoms that might occur with prostatitis include frequency of urination, slowing of the urinary stream, burning with voiding or ejaculation, burning in the penile tip unrelated to voiding, sexual dysfunction (such as difficulty with erection), aching in the penis, testicles, and discomfort in the lower abdomen, low back, groin, rectum or perineum (the area between the scrotum and rectum – betwixt the “wind and the rain”). The passage of blood at the initiation or termination of urination or in the semen can also be noted. During sexual arousal the prostate gland manufactures fluid that accounts for about 2/3 of the volume of ejaculate. The seminal vesicles are paired structures located behind the prostate gland that also manufacture fluid. Sperm from the testicles (which account for only 1-2% of the semen) travel up a series of tubes (epididymis and vas deferens) on each side to join the seminal vesicles forming the paired ejaculatory ducts. These structures empty into the prostatic portion of the urethra. At the time of ejaculation, prostatic fluid is discharged into the urethra (urinary canal) where it mixes with discharge from the ejaculatory ducts forming the semen. The semen volume is in the 2-6 cc range. It is not uncommon for inflammation and/or infection to spread in a retrograde manner into the vas and epididymis. Even without such spread, prostatic discomfort is?often referred into the testicle. Too frequent or too infrequent ejaculation, sexual arousal without ejaculation, withdraw at the time of ejaculation, aggressive bike or horse back riding, and excessive spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine in the diet can predispose you to this. Sitting for long periods of time, especially in an automotive vehicle, can put undo pressure on the prostate and aggravate the condition. For the latter, it is best not to sit more than 2-3 hours at a time. Stop the vehicle periodically, take a short walk and go to the bathroom to urinate. A thick pad or piece of sponge rubber on your seat will also help to cushion the prostate. One should avoid any of the above that apply. Eliminating all of the factors that apply to you are just as important, if not more so, than taking medication! Ejaculation beyond the tolerance of the prostate to fill and empty may also cause discomfort. Likewise if one does so infrequently, fluid still builds up from thoughts, dreams, fantasies, etc. and has to be released periodically to decompress the gland and relieve the symptoms. For most men, ejaculation in moderation, perhaps 1-2 times a week, is reasonable. A daily warm bath for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times daily also lessens the discomfort. Attention to sexual activity and warm bathes should be utilized regardless of the type of prostatitis and whether or not medications are prescribed!
There are several types of prostatitis. Sometimes prostatitis can be due to an infection of the gland with bacteria. This usually requires an initial 4 week course of an appropriate antibiotic (the commonest prescribed are the fluoroquinolones, but tetracyclines, sulfas and other agents can also work). Typically, pus cells and bacteria are found in the prostatic fluid.
Abacterial prostatitis has several varieties. In one, the prostatic fluid demonstrates pus cells but no bacteria. In the other, called prostadynia, there are neither pus cells nor bacteria in the fluid, just the symptoms. In all types of prostatitis, the urinalysis generally is normal unless the infection spreads into the bladder. Abacterial prostatitis usually responds to the general measures mentioned above. Medications that sometimes help include the over-the-counter natural supplement saw palmetto 320 mgm daily and alpha-blockers (such as Flomax, Hytrin, Cardura - Uroxatral). The latter require a prescription from you physician if he thinks it is indicated. Prostatitis may also be classified as acute (severe), subacute (mild), or asymptomatic. It may also occur as a single episode, be recurrent or chronic. Therefore, if symptoms persist, consultation with a urologist should be scheduled. In cases with recurrent prostatitis or hematuria, it sometimes is necessary to study the urinary tract.
Aching Penis after ejaculation? -