Friday, June 24, 2011

How do u stop premature ejaculation? -

How do u stop premature ejaculation? -

In general, practice and relaxation will help you deal with the problem. Some men try to distract themselves by thinking non-sexual thoughts (such as naming baseball players and records) to avoid becoming excited too fast.

Some helpful techniques include the following:

The -stop and start- method:

This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate. The stimulation is then removed for about thirty seconds and then may be resumed. The sequence is repeated until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

The -squeeze- method:

This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate. At that point, the man or his partner gently squeezes the end of the penis (where the glans meets the shaft) for several seconds, withholding further sexual stimulation for about 30 seconds, and then resuming stimulation. The sequence may be repeated by the person or couple until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

Tips To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

The Start Stop Technique: The basic technique is stimulation of the penis until just before the point of orgasm, and then stopping stimulation until arousal is lower. Start stimulating again and the process is repeated until desired length of time until orgasm is reached, You may lose your erection when you stop the stimulation, but just start again. The most Important part of this exercise is to try everyday if possible. This exercise may take 3-5 months for improvement.…

if its by yourself your probly in a bit of trouble. but if its a girl masturbate just before you see her. use the stop start method. think about someone and or something grose when your with her (or him) maybe even if your desperate get* your prostate checked. its not hard to get prostate fixed nowadays.
With a razor, applied to your scrotum.
When you are engage in sex, don-t move.
How do u stop premature ejaculation? -