Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Premature ejaculation with very sensitive and weak penis. glans is not engorges with blood during erection? -

Premature ejaculation with very sensitive and weak penis. glans is not engorges with blood during erection? -

masterbation from last 18 years. presently 28 years old. unmarried

you appear to have guilt feeling because your previous masturbation. You must understand first that masturbation is a good thing it does not harm whatsoever. there are lots of wrong idea attached to it. I am a doctor myself and so If you trust me it will do you good but if you do not then it is your choice. For your premature ejaculation ,you may apply Xyocaine gelly ,available at all medical stores ,over your glans penis 20 min before the sex act.It will make the glans numb and ejaculation will be delayed.Do not bother about Big penis and thick penis which many boys boast of .It is the love and foreplay which does the wonders
so sorry, hon.
I-d see a doctor.
and the others were right, probably not kosher :P.

that-s not koshur....
See a Urologist .
wow that doesn-t sound good maybe go see a doctor. I have been masterbating about that long too but I have a girlfriend and no problems like that and I am 30.
Practice with hookers until you figure it out.
Whatever...just keep it in your pants.. they have laws you know.
dude, Honestly.... just pray
Sounds like you beat it right to death.
No wonder you-re unmarried.
sounds like you need more practice.
Which makes me think...

You got erectile dysfunction.

There are various underlying causes, such as cardiovascular leakage and diabetes, many of which are medically treatable. Nerve trauma from prostatectomy surgery can cause chronic erectile dysfunction.

The causes of erectile dysfunction may be physiological or psychological. Physiologically, erection is a hydraulic mechanism based upon blood entering and being retained in the penis, and there are various ways in which this can be impeded, most of which are amenable to treatment. Psychological impotence is where erection or penetration fails due to thoughts or feelings (psychological reasons) rather than physical impossibility; this can often be helped. Notably in psychological impotence there is a very strong placebo effect.

In short... Please see a doctor.
go see a doctor right now
Premature ejaculation with very sensitive and weak penis. glans is not engorges with blood during erection? -