Saturday, June 23, 2012

Does drinking alcohol before Sex help prevent premature ejaculation?? -

Does drinking alcohol before Sex help prevent premature ejaculation?? -

drinkinng alcohol instead of sex definitely will!!

Totally, but more important, you won-t care! Really, what-s it to you if you orgasm faster than her? If you relax and just go for it eventually it won-t be such a big deal, you-ll get less excited and then you-ll last longer. Forget about it, there are lot-s of girls out there that couldn-t orgasm no matter how long you last.
yes it does.. but u have to be atleast tipsy. that point forward u-ll lose sensitivity and ur dick will be less sensitive and u wont ejaculate as fast as u normally would
Does drinking alcohol before Sex help prevent premature ejaculation?? -