Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ejaculation problem..... answer me if u know about it...? -

Ejaculation problem..... answer me if u know about it...? -

i think iem sufferin from premature ejaculation.. every time i have sex i cant do it for more than 40 second .. my GF she never said anything but em sure she is embarrased cuz of this .. i never feel lik i dun want to have sex i can do it 5 times a day but prom is i cant stay even 1 min . i used these de-senitiizn but even they din work plzz tell me wat should i do ..!!

Here-s a trick that can help.

When you are masturbating or having sex, recite the multiplication tables to yourself starting with the 1s. Go through the table up to 12 and start with the next number. It-s kind of like mind over matter. It helps you control your ejaculation.

I do this with my wife when we have sex. I went from ejaculating within 30 seconds to almost 8 minutes. Believe me, it works.
See a good andrologist or a good homeopath for help. Wearing 2 or 3 condoms will help. Her being on top will help! And more foreplay will make her also ready and then she too will get pleasure.
man, when i whack off i try to think about somehting else, so it gets my mind off the situation y-know. and try to hold it back more and more.
Men often think sex happens only in the penis and only during intercourse. That view is a one-way ticket to uncontrolled ejaculation (not to mention erection problems, and women with those proverbial headaches). The best sex involves head-to-toe arousal. Men learning how to approach -- but not arrive at -- their point of no return, need to appreciate whole-body sensuality, the pleasure potential in every square inch of the body. Whole-body sensuality releases tension. Tense bodies that have no other outlet often find release through involuntary ejaculation. But as you learn to appreciate sensual pleasure from head to toe, whole-body arousal takes the pressure off your penis, and you last longer.
* Whole-body sensuality means relaxation, but the -relaxation- involved in great sex is not the kind that includes an easy chair, a six pack, and Monday Night Football. It-s the kind you feel after a hot bath or a good massage. In fact, bathing or showering together before lovemaking can help men relax and appreciate whole-body sensuality -- and last longer.
* Breathe deeply. One very easy way to stay relaxed while making love is to breathe deeply. The body has a natural tendency to breathe deeply during sex. But many men fight it. They think they should stay in control by not breathing deeply and making the little love-moan sounds that go along with it. But when men work to control their breathing, they often sacrifice ejaculatory control. Try breathing deeply. Let your breath go. Many men are amazed how much this one little change improves their ejaculatory control.
* Start with masturbation with a dry hand. By varying how you caress your penis, you can learn to stay highly aroused for quite a while without coming. When you feel yourself approaching your point of no return, simply back off a bit, strokestroke yourself more gently or not at all, and stay aroused without ejaculating. Then as you feel yourself getting a little distance from your point of no return, return to more vigorous self-stimulation. Repeat this several times over several sessions. Approach your point of no return, then back off. For most men, it doesn-t take long to develop good ejaculatory control while alone.
Then move on to masturbation with a lubricated hand. Use saliva, vegetable oil, or a commercial sexual lubricant. For most people, lubricants increase the sensual intensity of erotic fondling. Follow the same program: Masturbate until you approach your point of no return, then back off. Repeat this several times over several sessions.
* Once you have good control during masturbation, and appreciate whole-body sensuality, and feel comfortable breathing deeply during lovemaking, then you-re ready for the couples program -- if you-re in a couple. The couple approach is called the -Stop-Start Technique.- First, arrange -stop- and -start- signals with your lover, for example, a light pinch or tap, or a tug on an ear.
Then, your lover strokes your penis by hand as you lie still. When you approach your point of no return, give the -stop- signal. Your lover immediately stops stroking you and simply holds your penis gently, as you continue to breathe deeply and pays close attention to the sensations you-re feeling. When you no longer feels close to ejaculation, gives the -start- signal, and your lover begins stroking you again. How many stops and starts should you do? A half-dozen over a 15-minute period works well for most couples. Do what feels comfortable for you.

With stop-start, the focus is on the man. He-s the one learning the new skill. But don-t forget the woman-s sensual needs. As part of each practice session, she might guide your hand over her to show you what she likes.

Once you-ve gained good ejaculatory control with your lover-s hand, try the same stop-start procedure with oral caresses. Again, you begin by lying still.

Once you-ve gained good control orally, feel free to start moving. You-re making love again -- but now you have ejaculatory control. Congratulations.

Here are some other suggestions for lasting longer:
do you know that sex happens in your brain? Really!

Don-t stress yourself. Talk open about it with your GF.

enjoy life.
Refer this site, this will help you
My boyfriend can go 3 hours without ejaculation.He say-s its easy when you learn how to focus on something else.He looks at a picture on the bedroom wall or the TV!
You have to learn to differentiate between orgasm and ejaculation! Tantra technique which is readily available on line. There are also facilities that offer training however, not quite sure of the legality issues. Could be a hormonal thing maybe your MD might possibly help with!
premature ejaculation is better than no ejaculation at all.
Try -Stop n Go- technique which would increase the duration, ofcourse it wont happen within a day, it will take time.
your GF just have some extremely good puss..!
Stop having sex with your GF. Sex is for when you are married
You ARE suffering from premature ejaculation and the only way to -cure- it is with practice. You sound like a young person and sex is most likely something pretty new to you, you will most likely have this problem until you get to a point where you are more comfortable having sex with your GF and dont think -gee whiz, i-m gonna get laid!- You gotta try and relax about it, enjoy it, stop worrying about how it feels for you, start worrying about how it feels for her, and not just -am i gonna ejaculate prematurely- but things like -does she like when i do that?- Try and figure out what SHE likes, thinking about it and trying new things should keep your mind too busy to worry about how long you last. Dont try and think about something else like baseball or something, why would you, you are having sex and it SHOULD be amazing, but DO keep your mind occupied with her body, or what she likes in order to stop yourself from worrying about how long before your -done.- If you worry about that all the time, she will too, and then she-ll never be able to enjoy it because she wont be able to relax during the act.
Ejaculation problem..... answer me if u know about it...? -