Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sexuality, erectile dysfunction,premature ejaculation solutions.? -

Sexuality, erectile dysfunction,premature ejaculation solutions.? -

anyone with a parmanent solution to someone with a serious erectile dyfunction and premature ejaculation problem.
Last-Longer is the only male sexual performance formula that, not only stops premature ejaculation, but actually -cures- it. Last-Longer is the only product that allows -YOU- to control when you ejaculate. Since 1997, Last-Longer has been ranked #1 for a very good reason ... -It Works-! Last Longer is
*Non-hormonal herbal therapy.
*Acts locally on the sex organs.
*Regulates process of ejaculation.
*Acts through neuro-endocrine pathway.
*Acts on the high centers of emotion in the brain.

Premature Ejaculation occurs when your body produces too much hormone too fast. Your body becomes -over stimulated-. The head of the penis becomes so sensitive that you ejaculate almost immediately. There is absolutely no control.

This Extreme Sensitivity on the head of your penis causes the ejaculatory mechanism, inside your body, to go into -spasms-. It-s these spasms that cause the overpowering Urge to Ejaculate. The head of your penis becomes so sensitive and the urge is so strong that you ejaculate immediately.
If you slow down the production of excess hormone - you slow down the ejaculation.

In fact, there-s NO product, exercise, or technique that can stop severe premature ejaculation when used alone. NONE! Severe premature ejaculation is an extremely complex condition the causes of premature ejaculation are both physical and psychological. To cure premature ejaculation requires a combination of products that simultaneously attack and eliminate each cause. Only Last-Longer has a combination of products strong enough to eliminate ALL aspects of both the physical and psychological causes of premature ejaculation.
Quite often, when a man gains good ejaculatory control, he suddenly becomes much more interested in sex. And even if he doesn-t, it might be nicer for both of you if he lasted longer.

Faced with involuntary ejaculation, most men try to distract themselves during intercourse, believing that by thinking about other things, they can trick themselves into lasting longer. Usually, that only makes things worse.

To learn ejaculatory control:

* Don-t use drugs or alcohol. They-re distracting and they interfere with the self-awareness crucial to learning ejaculatory control.
* Appreciate whole-body sensuality. Men often think sex happens only in the penis and only during intercourse. That view is a one-way ticket to uncontrolled ejaculation (not to mention erection problems, and women with those proverbial headaches). The best sex involves head-to-toe arousal. Men learning how to approach -- but not arrive at -- their point of no return, need to appreciate whole-body sensuality, the pleasure potential in every square inch of the body. Whole-body sensuality releases tension. Tense bodies that have no other outlet often find release through involuntary ejaculation. But as you learn to appreciate sensual pleasure from head to toe, whole-body arousal takes the pressure off your penis, and you last longer.
* Whole-body sensuality means relaxation, but the -relaxation- involved in great sex is not the kind that includes an easy chair, a six pack, and Monday Night Football. It-s the kind you feel after a hot bath or a good massage. In fact, bathing or showering together before lovemaking can help men relax and appreciate whole-body sensuality -- and last longer.
* Breathe deeply. One very easy way to stay relaxed while making love is to breathe deeply. The body has a natural tendency to breathe deeply during sex. But many men fight it. They think they should stay in control by not breathing deeply and making the little love-moan sounds that go along with it. But when men work to control their breathing, they often sacrifice ejaculatory control. Try breathing deeply. Let your breath go. Many men are amazed how much this one little change improves their ejaculatory control.
* Start with masturbation with a dry hand. By varying how you caress your penis, you can learn to stay highly aroused for quite a while without coming. When you feel yourself approaching your point of no return, simply back off a bit, strokestroke yourself more gently or not at all, and stay aroused without ejaculating. Then as you feel yourself getting a little distance from your point of no return, return to more vigorous self-stimulation. Repeat this several times over several sessions. Approach your point of no return, then back off. For most men, it doesn-t take long to develop good ejaculatory control while alone.
Then move on to masturbation with a lubricated hand. Use saliva, vegetable oil, or a commercial sexual lubricant. For most people, lubricants increase the sensual intensity of erotic fondling. Follow the same program: Masturbate until you approach your point of no return, then back off. Repeat this several times over several sessions.
* Once you have good control during masturbation, and appreciate whole-body sensuality, and feel comfortable breathing deeply during lovemaking, then you-re ready for the couples program -- if you-re in a couple. The couple approach is called the -Stop-Start Technique.- First, arrange -stop- and -start- signals with your lover, for example, a light pinch or tap, or a tug on an ear.
Then, your lover strokes your penis by hand as you lie still. When you approach your point of no return, give the -stop- signal. Your lover immediately stops stroking you and simply holds your penis gently, as you continue to breathe deeply and pays close attention to the sensations you-re feeling. When you no longer feels close to ejaculation, gives the -start- signal, and your lover begins stroking you again. How many stops and starts should you do? A half-dozen over a 15-minute period works well for most couples. Do what feels comfortable for you.

With stop-start, the focus is on the man. He-s the one learning the new skill. But don-t forget the woman-s sensual needs. As part of each practice session, she might guide your hand over her to show you what she likes.

Once you-ve gained good ejaculatory control with your lover-s hand, try the same stop-start procedure with oral caresses. Again, you begin by lying still.

Once you-ve gained good control orally, feel free to start moving. You-re making love again -- but now you have ejaculatory control. Congratulations.

Here are some other suggestions for lasting longer:
Yes, Bee Royal Jelly it helps your body produce natural hormones. Try or look it up on Yahoo search. It works great and will help you last much longer. It-s all natural so no side effects like the prescription drugs.
Go for herbal solutions. They have permanent cures.
eat banana and cucamber and any thing which is long like cock

Velvet Deer Antler has been used in oriental medicine for centuries to increase sexual desire and improve sexual performance.*

Body builders have used Velvet Deer Antler to boost stamina and help maintain muscle health.* Deer antler is harvested from deer-s raised on ranches. At the ideal time of the year, the antlers are removed and specially processed to make the natural components bio available to the human body. The fact that this is a 100% natural product that has to be specially harvested is what makes deer antler so expensive.

This product is recommended primarily for men.

For Erectile Dysfunction:

If your erections aren’t what they used to be, Virlity EX may help maximize your erection potential and give you the firmer, fuller-feeling erections you deserve. Healthy blood flow is the key to Natural Male Enhancement. Decreased blood flow can be the result of smoking, poor diet, or even just getting older. Virlity EX’s natural blend includes Yohimbe, and Maca as well as Tongkat Ali, which are known to improve blood flow and circulation as well as enhance physical performance, including sexual stamina.

Stop premature ejaculation with enlast:

Enlast is a brand new topical lubricant designed for men and women to immediately increase sensitivity and pleasure, and give a more intense and satisfying sexual experience. Enlast is gently massaged into the skin resulting in a well lubricated and warming sensation that enhances sexual pleasure and sexuality with unique and powerful herbal stimulants.

Enjoy this incredible sexual aphrodisiac in just a matter of seconds! Get the satisfaction of intense intimate experiences and incredible orgasms. Enlast is completely safe, works immediately and can give you the sexual power and pleasure you demand!

If YOU want lasting sexual excitement, stimulation and the very BEST way to wow your woman.
a couple of Viagra and a couple of Johnies.
See a doctor.
These are not problems. It has to do with overdoing sex or having sex at the wrong time, altogether (usually when not being married).
Consult a doctor immediately. Homeopathic medicines are very useful for this treatment. So you can talk to a homepathic doctor.

Do not go for viagra and others common tablets. They are not for this purpose.
Sexuality, erectile dysfunction,premature ejaculation solutions.? -