Friday, February 14, 2014

How can boys help to girls for ejaculation.....? -

How can boys help to girls for ejaculation.....? -

u need to do in different positions first so she can feel erection.

Mostly girls ejaculate in: the butterfly - the plow position.

So try this.

I am not sure exactly what it is you are asking. You said -help to girl-s- which in your question isn-t good grammar and makes the question difficult to understand what you want from an answerer. Try again with a more detailed question.
learn where she likes to get stimulated and which area she loves to be touched. simple in writing but very difficult to achieve.
Very few girls ejaculate. More girls hit climax by being fingered than actual sex, so maybe start out with that before you start going all the way.
Girls don-t ejaculate, if that is want you are trying to say. Not sure what you are really saying though
watch a porno if you need pointers lol
How can boys help to girls for ejaculation.....? -