Monday, September 22, 2014

How To Stop Premature Ejaculation? -

How To Stop Premature Ejaculation? -

My girlfriend is getting so frustrated with me. What can I do? How can I stop premature ejaculation? I just can-t last more than a few short minutes

Premature ejaculation has many different reasons. I will describe how you can last longer in bed: You need to learn to relax your body. If
you can relax your body while having sex, you-ll immediately last way longer than before. There are also breathing exercises you can perform, so you will be more relaxed while performing and have a greater sense of control.

You need to gain awareness of your arousal level and learn to consciously move up and down the arousal scale.
Mastering specific exercises, you-ll gain total control over how close to the point of no return (the arousal level where you can-t stop your self from ejaculating no matter what you do) you let your self go and therefore how long you last.

You should also train your PC muscles. The PC muscles are your internal pelvic muscles. The PC muscles are between your butt
bone and your pelvic bone. When ejaculating these muscles function.
If you don-t train these muscles regularly, you will have trouble lasting longer. There are exercises you can learn and build your own training routine.

For conclusion, I can really understand what you are going through. I had 2 girlfriends who left me, because of this problem.
I got really depressed and I started to look for information for solving my problem. I can tell you that today I last long enough.
The main thing you can do right now is read more useful information that will help you solve your problem- you can read more on (Wikipedia- search for premature ejaculation- the link is to long...) so you can have more knowledge about your problem. You should also read more in , so you can solve your problem.
Occasionally losing control is normal, Premature ejaculation is only a problem if it happens all the time. It’s important to remember that most men occasionally reach orgasm sooner than they’d like.For example, it is normal for a man to ejaculate quickly the first time he has sex
It is also normal if a man hasn’t ejaculated for a long time.

try some exercise like start and stop technique or pc muscle.…

There are three reasons why you may be suffering from premature ejaculation.
One reason could be, that as an adolescent, the masturbation habits you developed may have led to this. Typically adolescents masturbate with the intention of reaching orgasm quickly, thus premature ejaculation has been “grooved” into your system.

Now for the second reason, let’s face it we’d all like to be able to make love for hours. There’s one problem though. The body sees sex as a means to reproduce. That said your body is going to try and reproduce as fast and efficiently as possible. This is why premature ejaculation mostly affects men in their teens and 20’s.The catch is, now you have to learn how to control it.

3.The third cause of premature ejaculation is the inability to handle and control intense arousal and sexual stimulation. Once arousal reaches a certain tipping point it becomes almost impossible to hold back ejaculation.

In your pelvic region, various muscles come into play during the ejaculation process. If you can identify those particular muscles and if you can use exercises to develop control over them then you can attain total ejaculation control. For controlling premature ejaculation focus on various emotions, thoughts and perceptions that are proven to cause premature ejaculation.
There are some techniques like heart rate technique, breathing technique, training of glans, masturbation and sex techniques. You may find the detail given in source
ENLAST (Enlast Premature Ejaculation Formula) is a brand new topical lubricant designed for men and women to immediately increase sensitivity and pleasure, and give a more intense and satisfying sexual experience. Enlast is gently massaged into the skin resulting in a well lubricated and warming sensation that enhances sexual pleasure and sexuality with unique and powerful herbal stimulants.
Um - - give her foreplay until she orgasms, then insert and c*m as you will.

You do NOT have premature ejaculation. Kinsey proved that 70% of all males ejaculate within 2 minutes of insertion, so stop letting someone else define how you feel about your own sexuality.

The key is foreplay.

Kind thoughts,

PE is usually learned, meaning you masterbate quick so you do not get caught, for instance. can be other causes too, but you can unlearn somewhat. concentrate on other things, for instance, pinch the head just before you are ready to blow, and some creams you can use to desencitize. see below
First of all, masturbate before you go see her so you won-t be all pumped up. Also , PRACTICE on yourself. Get yourself to the edge, then stop. Do this a lot. Control is something you have to learn and all your future lovers will thank you for it.
jack off more and once before sex and to be safe two times. if it doesn-t work she wants more sex give her more sex or just more foreplay just wear a condom and keep going if you already came she won-t know the difference if you wear one
give her more foreplay ,

minutes guys last seconds only

and as 4 premature google
How To Stop Premature Ejaculation? -