Monday, September 22, 2014

Penis Spray May Block Premature Ejaculation? have you heard of it? -

Penis Spray May Block Premature Ejaculation? have you heard of it? -

An anesthetic spray more than doubles the -lasting- time for men with premature ejaculation, according to a study by the company that makes the experimental spray.

The metered-dose, aerosol spray is a mixture of the anesthetics lidocaine and prilocaine. It is spritzed onto the tip of the penis 15 minutes before sex.

Before using the spray, the 54 heterosexual men in the study ejaculated, on average, one minute after vaginal penetration.

In the test, on four occasions, half the men used the anesthetic spray 15 minutes before sex, the other half a placebo with no active ingredients.

The men or their partners used a stopwatch to measure the time from vaginal penetration to ejaculation.

Yeah, but the second round, especially if you are using a condom will be nearly impossible to finish.
sigh.... people seem to forget the propose of sex. ow it-s all about how big your penis is and how long you have sex and if you can make a girl orgasm. they don-t need to last 5 seconds after vaginal penetration in order to get the job done
Penis Spray May Block Premature Ejaculation? have you heard of it? -