Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How long before sperms dies after ejaculation? -

How long before sperms dies after ejaculation? -

So my girlfriend and i had sex, we used a condom. I ejaculated in the condom, while i was taking off the condom some of the semen got on my hands. We chilled for about 4-5 hours. After that i fingered her without washing my hand, my hands were dry though. Then i put another condom on and put my saliva (as a form of lubricant) on the condom with my hands that semen made contact with then i made penetration. Should i be worried she might get pregnant or am i being paranoid? All this happened in room temperature. PLEASE I AM DESPERATE!!!!!!!!
Okay. There is asolutely nothing to be worried about and I will tell you why........... and it is NOT because sperm dies when it hits the air!!
This is a huggge misconception, and it-s just not true!

Sperm can live outside of the body for quite some time, exactly how long, I-m not sure. Oxygen does not kill sperm, it just causes it to dry up. Imagine, ejaculating onto a woman-s thigh, for example. It creates a kind of puddle. Once there is moisture, some of the sperm is still viable. It-s when it dries up completely that the sperm have nothing to move around in, THEN, it dies. So basically, sperm is still active as long as it is wet.

So, if you-ve stated that your hands were dry when you touched her again, then there is nothing to worry about.
sperm does not die once it hits the air, that-s ridiculous. sperm can live for 3-5 days while in semen. once the semen dries the sperm can no longer survive. if your hands were dry you are fine.
Don-t worry, sperm dies as soon as it hit the air. Nothing to worry about man.

The sperm were dead after four or five hours. What concerns me is that you didn-t wash your hands. That-s kind of gross.
it dies once it hits the air -.-
How long before sperms dies after ejaculation? -