Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Premature Ejaculation? -

Premature Ejaculation? -

Women say it-s a problem.

But hey, wouldn-t it actually be considered a -super efficient- method of conception ?

Imagine if you had a combat rifle that could only fire if you warmed it up for 5 minutes between each bullet. What would you wish for then?

So are you trying to defend your sexual position or what?

But actually, you are correct. What we term as -premature ejaculation- (in most cases) would more correctly be defined as -ancestrial timely copulation method-. Most animals, with the exception of the k9 family, don-t tend to have a long copulation... it is in their genetics to be that way, because of predators. Although we humans have evolved and we no longer have too much to worry about in regards to Dinosaurs, lions, bears, etc preying on us while we copulate, it doesn-t change the fact that the male body is still wired to be that way. So what most people term as -dysfunctional-, is actual natures way of making sure you can copulate quickly without high risk of a predator eating you instead.

However, in todays society, I don-t think too many women will find it too interesting for you to have -ancestrial timely copulation methods-...... no matter how you try to present it to them..... :)
Try alcoholics anonymous. You might have a clearer perception if you were not drinking so much. Then see a urologist.
It would kinda take the fun outta the conceiving process tho...
Hits you with tranqulizer dart* Drags you off. Sorry bout that folks we got -em now.
premature ejaculation....its not my problem...its hers....lol
Most girls you-re gonna be sleeping with would consider this a Negative seeing as they probably do NOT want a child with you. it is also less pleasurable.
Premature Ejaculation? -