Friday, March 4, 2016

Frequent ejaculation? -

Frequent ejaculation? -

I-m around 13-15 and I often ejaculate. But if I ejaculate 2 times a week would that like harm my body health because I-m letting off precious DNA......?

No it wont harm your body. You can do 12 times a day or 1 time a month and it wont harm your body at all.
Well -- the short answer is NO, not at all.

1.) 2 times a week is NOT frequent. Most males ejaculate at least daily -- and often more than daily -- just for comparison.

2.) You don-t LOSE DNA in sperm, your dna is copied to the sperm, but it is copied automatically -- you can-t lose any of your dna or take any damage from ejaculating. Every cell you have contains your dna, sperm is made literally ONLY to be ejaculated, and you don-t lose any dna when it is ejaculated.

The long and the short is that masturbating and ejaculating are good for you -- not bad. You take NO damage, although if you do it daily or more often, you do reduce your risk of prostate cancer for life.

You are fine, believe in yourself.

Kind thoughts,

2 times a week? Most guys your age do it 2 to 3 times a DAY! Masturbation will not cause any harm to your body, and ejaculating will not release anything that can-t be replenished. So... as long as you are not letting masturbation interfere with your normal daily activities and social interactions, have at it!
It won-t harm you but it is in a way killing a unborn baby because it has potential to be a baby but God created wet dreams so don-t let anyone tell you different btw wet dream - ejaculation during sleep
honestly people may say itd doesnt matter but think about it yourself its sorta commensecne, if its not going in anyone then its going to waste, sure more will come back but then again whats gone is gone

...i got nothing else
Frequent ejaculation? -