Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Does zoloft stop premature ejaculation? If so, what bad side effects are there? -

Does zoloft stop premature ejaculation? If so, what bad side effects are there? -

I-ve taken Zoloft. Its a good anti-depressant. Never noticed it stopping premature ejaculation except to the extent that it destroyed my sex drive altogether. It did do that and I hated it. Consider Welbutrin as an alternative anti-depressant with little or no effect on the sex drive.

Zoloft supposedly stops depression. I have never heard of anyone using it for premature ejaculation. The TV ads always give side effects such as dry mouth, upset stomach, headaches, diarhrea, and sexual -can-t get it upidness-
Which would depress me more
Does zoloft stop premature ejaculation? If so, what bad side effects are there? -