Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Are there any health risks for urinating after ejaculation? -

Are there any health risks for urinating after ejaculation? -

i always urinate after ejaculation, like i go to the toilet to urinate even with my penis still erect... can this be bad for my prostate, for she urethra or other areas? thanks..

No, it will be fine.

There are variations in how long guys hold an erection after ejaculating but irrespective of this, once the ejaculatory contractions have fully died down, it will be possible to pee. Clearly you know this - the contractions that eject the semen involve tightly closing off the -valve- to the bladder and you cannot pee anytime as you lead up to, during or for that time after ejaculation, but once it relaxes, things must necessarily be -back to normal-.

I am suspecting that you may be confused by a common mythology that you cannot pee with an erection. There is in fact *no* reason why you cannot do so except that if your penis is pointing upward, it is not practical to pee in a toilet (and you cannot bend it down because that *will* block it off). it may be slower, but if you could not pee with an erection, you could not ejaculate either.
Its good to pee afterwards, it cleans out the tubes.
no it is fin eto piss after u ejaculate..
For information or more questions or whatever email me at isuroj@yahoo.com
nope it is in fact recommended....i always do that....it cleans your shaft better way...
Are there any health risks for urinating after ejaculation? -