Monday, June 19, 2017

Ive got a question about premature ejaculation? -

Ive got a question about premature ejaculation? -

A guy goes to see his girlfriend. But he notices that when he is with her and starts touching her and holding her, he starts getting an erection. But after a while the erection subsides and he can feel wetness around the penis. After that, it is hard to get back the erection. It takes time and once it comes back, it tends to do the same thing as before. Would this be considered premature ejaculation? I know premature ejaculation happens during sex and that lots of men suffer from it. But would the scenario I described be considered premature or is it considered something else?
Yes, I-m afraid it-s a tragic case of premature ejaculation of the worse kind. Ejectulating before penetration of penis is not good, but can be remedied by time - paientce. With the help of the girlfriend, use slow stroking motion of penis till erect, then stop before you reach PONR ( point of no return ). Gradually you will master self control of ejectulation, - length of time for erection, - end up being a great lover.
Yes, it is premature ejaculation
no..that-s just lubrication...the throbbing pleasurable spurt would be pre-ejaculation.
Sounds like something else. If there is no orgasm, then it is probably pre-***, which is a lubricating clear liquid.....
Something else, it is called pre *** and it is a natural lubricate
Good news and bad news. It-s premature ejaculation - that-s the bad news. The good news is that it sounds like you-re very young, so you-ll be better able to control your body-s sexual responses as you mature. It-s not likely to be a permanent problem.
You aint got a worry after a while it wont happen anymore u just have to learn how control it and u will everyman does, it will take but it will be worth it. and yes it is considered premature ejaculation which i don-t believe in, if u *** early then u was meant to *** early.

After a while it wont be a problem
It is something else
Ive got a question about premature ejaculation? -