Sunday, October 1, 2017

Ejaculation help, i am 13!! i need some help!!!? -

Ejaculation help, i am 13!! i need some help!!!? -

ok, so i am 13 and i have ejaculated 3 times. the first time only a drop came out. then the next time was a few months later and it was a lot of semen. It was kind of painful though (the ejaculating, the masturbating was awesome!!!). then i tried again a week later, and it still hurt at the end. it made me kind of scared to do it.

then i saw a website (, and it said that once the ejaculation starts, if you stop rubbing it can sometimes cause pain. i think that might be it,but is it true?????

i always just stopped when i orgasm, and waited for the sperm, but it was painful. should i just keep going???? please help!!
Keep going until AFTER you stop shooting.
buy some that spray that numbs skin (used mostly for sore throats i think. it has Lidocaine in it) and pour it in a bowl. dip your erect penis in it and let it soak for a couple of minutes. you won-t be able to feel any pain this way
Keep masturbating. The more you practice, the less it will hurt. Trust me, once you become more skilled, it will start feeling better. Good luck and don-t stop!
Keep pulling til it falls off....good plan.
Ejaculation help, i am 13!! i need some help!!!? -