Sunday, October 1, 2017

What is the mechanism of man orgasm after ejaculation? -

What is the mechanism of man orgasm after ejaculation? -

as it sudden endorfin release

As mine is DIY, my semen just lies on my duvet underside and my body stays in contact with it, and it does seem to recreate the thought that created it inside my brain so I do it again and out of me comes a new lot.
He lies down and rest wish as if there was no woman around so he could have some nap
you need to ring your partner asap
lol @ Prudence....

Nail, Head and Hit come to mind with that answer! What a wonderfully understanding woman you are!!
the final part of orgasm after eaculation is the part when the man looks like hes sleeping because hes used up ALL his energy...
What is the mechanism of man orgasm after ejaculation? -