Sunday, January 28, 2018

Premature ejaculation? -

Premature ejaculation? -

HI I m suffering from premature ejaculation from begining. before nine yrs when i got married i can stay upto 1 or 2 minuts but now i cannot stay for 3-4 seconds if i masterbate i can hold upto 2-3 minuts and if she gives ******** than upto 3 minuts please suggest
All I can say is - see a doc. He will give you MUCH better advice than anyone on any online forum.
You can also try to study some info yourself reading good books about this issue, but then you will have to spend some time if your are serious about it -…

Viagra has lately been known to help with permature ajaculation also, but then again you have to see a doc for prescription.
is a good source for this.
it is not an online pharmacy, but an online community of viagra cialis and levitra users. the site also has got price comparison of cheapest trusted online pharmacies for all 3 - viagra cialis levitra.
I came across this blog on premature ejaculation control:

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Follow The Masters - Johnson method to prevent premature ejaculation and increase duration of hard erection:
?The best way to combat premature ejaculation is by learning to control the sensations prior to orgasm. This method takes time and practice, but it is very effective.
?First you need to bring yourself close to orgasm (this can be one via masturbation, without the involvement of your partner) and then stop and relax before recommencing. Each time you need to bring yourself
closer to orgasm until finally you cannot control it. If you do this often enough, you will learn where your point of climax is. This is helpful when interacting with your partner.
?You will need to practice reaching your climax point with your partner by engaging in non-penetrative sex so that when you feel it is near, you signal them to stop and you allow your erection to subside. This also needs to be repeated so that you and your partner are familiar with the procedure.
?Once you feel you are ready for intercourse, it is best to start by lying on your back so that you can guide your partner during penetration. When you are near orgasm, give your partner a signal to stop and you should relax and start again. Once you get the hang of it (it may take several weeks or months), premature ejaculation shouldn’t be too much of a problem.……

Its simple, while having sex, dont even think about it :-)
Spermatorrhoea means involuntary loss of semen, which generally takes place during sleep or under various conditions (during urination or at stool) at other times. It is often associated with irritability and debility of the generative organs.

Homeopathic Medicines - Treatment for SPERMATORRHOEA or involuntary loss of semen

#Phosphoric acid. [Ph-ac]
This remedy corresponds to the chronic effects of loss of seminal fluid, while Cinchona is more suitable for the acute effects, such as emissions on three or four consecutive nights, weakening the patient greatly. Under Phosphoric acid the whole system is weakened; the legs are weak, and there is burning in the spine worse at night, the genitals are relaxed, the scrotum and testicles are flabby, the penis has no power of erection, or the erection are imperfect and the semen escapes too soon during coitus. Formication or a sensation of crawling on the scrotum is also sometimes present. Impotence when the sensibility of the part is excessive, and the semen is discharged shortly after or even before erection. There is a sudden relaxation of the penis during coitus due to exhaustion rather than to spasmodic action, as under Nux vomica. Hughes regards Phosphoric acid as probably the most useful remedy for spermatorrhoea in the materia medica, but much depends on the potency used, as the lower ones often fail. There is dragging in the testicles, and above all the mental condition is important; the patient is distressed on account of the culpability of his acts, and is anxious about the future of his health or else perfect indifference is present. It is never to be used when general irritability is present,and probably many failures are owing to its misuse in this particular. Phosphorus has impotence preceded by over-excitation of the genital organs. It also has discharge of prostatic juice during a hard stool and frequently involuntary seminal emissions. Picric acid has disturbed sleep from erections and too frequent seminal emissions. Spermatorrhoea, with great desire, followed by great prostration. King, in his work on spermatorrhoea, advises the higher potencies as the lower ones are apt to aggravate.

#Gelsemium. [Gels]
Characteristic of Gelsemium are frequent involuntary emissions at night, with relaxation of the organs; the whole system is relaxed and emissions occur from the slightest exertion or excitation. There are no lascivious dreams, and it is particularly the remedy in cases arising from masturbation. Dioscorea has atonic seminal emissions; there is a passive state, and the patient will have two or three dreams a night, with emission of semen and the day following will feel very weak about the knees. Farrington advises it first in the 12th and then in the 30th potency. Eryngium aquaticum. General debility, seminal emissions without erections. Digitalis has also involuntary emissions during sleep, without dreams, followed with great weakness. Baehr recommends Digitalis 3rd trituration in spermatorrhoea and claims that it usually suffices. It should be given early in the morning. Dickinson claims better results from this remedy than from any other.

#Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
When night sweats follow every emission, and when coitus is followed by weakness in mind and body, calcarea is the remedy. It is especially useful in shattered constitutions where the patient sweats from any exertion. The sexual desire is excessive and the nocturnal emissions occurs about three in the morning or later. The erection are weak and excitable, there is sensitiveness of the urethra and irritable impotence. There is tendency to cold clammy sweat on the hands after emissions, there is pain in the back and head and trembling of the legs. Great weakness follows all indulgence. Calcarea suits these conditions in young people who grow too rapidly. Caladium. Here, after masturbation, the penis is a flabby as a rag, the prepuce when withdrawn behind the glands does not have sufficient contractility to replace itself. Nocturnal emissions occur with or without dreams. It is indicated in the advanced stages when there are no erections . Emissions occurring without any sexual excitement whatever is a good indication for Caladium. Feeling of coldness and cold perspiration about the genitals is also a useful symptom for the remedy.

#Staphisagria. [Staph]
Staphisagria is the remedy for the bad effects of masturbation where there is great emaciation with dark rings under the eyes, sallow face, peevishness and shyness. The patient is hypochondriacal and permits the mind to dwell too long on sexual subjects ; the boy becomes uneasy about the state of his health. There may also be irritability of the prostatic portion of the urethra. In the female, Staphisagria is the remedy when the organs are in a state of irritability. It is the remedy for the advanced stages and in cases of long standing. It is the best remedy in anxious and imaginary persons who are uneasy about the state of the health.

#Agnus castus. [Agn]
This remedy is suitable to old men who have spent most of their lives in excessive venery. These so called -old sinners- are just as excitable in their sexual passions at 60 as at 18, and yet they are physically impotent. It is also useful in paralytic impotence, where there is loss of both sexual desire and erection, and there is coldness of the sexual organs. This condition oftentimes comes from gonorrhoea and gleet. Nuphar lutea has absence of sexual desire; voluptuous thoughts do not cause erections. There are losses of semen during sleep. Atonic spermatorrhoea occurring from weakness of the sexual organs. Agnus castus is also a remedy in sexual melancholia and simple impotence.

#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
For the bad effects of early masturbation, Nux is an important remedy. It should be given when the patient suffers from headache, frequent involuntary emissions at night, especially toward morning, and the digestive organs are weak. There is an irritable condition from sexual excesses, erections taking place, but they are not under the control of the mind and may subside at any time during an embrace; this is a common complaint of city men who have been high livers and drinkers all their lives. Strychnia is perhaps better than Nux where there is a great spinal exhaustion; spermatorrhoea arising from plethora; irresistible desire to masturbate. The higher attenuations act better than the lower.

#Sulphur. [Sulph]
In sexual conditions Sulphur is useful when the patient is weak and debilitated, suffers from gastric ailments, and has frequent involuntary emissions at night , exhausting him greatly. The seminal flow is thin and watery and has lost its characteristic properties. The genital organs are relaxed, the scrotum and penis are flabby, the penis is cold and the erections are few and far between. In coitus the semen escapes too soon, almost at first contact; the patient suffers from backache and weakness of the limbs, and he is low spirited and hypochondrical. Complete prostration and loss of sexual desire is a marked symptom of Sulphur.

#Conium. [Con]
The remedy, on account of its mental conditions, is of great utility in the treatment of sexual excesses. It produces a perfect picture of hypochondriasis; the patient is melancholic, naturally excitable, but has gone over to this weakness. There is no local irritability as under Zincum. Sepia has seminal weakness, with erethisms and easy emissions. Conium is especially the remedy where nocturnal emissions are brought on by suppression of the natural desire and there are pains in the testicles. Emissions on the slightest provocation.

#Zincum. [Zinc]
This remedy corresponds to long-lasting abuse of the genital organs, with great hypochondriasis. The patient has a pale sunken face with blue rings about the eyes, and there is with this drug great local local irritation, the testicles being drawn up against the external ring. Aurum may be useful when despondency predominates.

#Lycopodium. [Lyc]
Lycopodium is the remedy for cases which have gone on to complete impotency; the erections are absent or imperfect and the genital organs are cold and shrivelled. Exhausting pollutions without erections. Lilienthal termed Lycopodium -the old man-s balm.- It corresponds especially to the impotency of old age where there is great despondency. Kobalt has backache following seminal emissions. Sarsaparilla has nocturnal erections with lascivious dreams, followed by pain in the back down to the spermatic cords; prostration, the least excitement causing ejaculation without sexual feeling.

#Selenium. [Sele]
Seminal emissions, voluntary or involuntary, make the patient worse.The patient is so relaxed that the semen dribbles involuntarily. Lack of confidence is also a factor. The mental condition of inability is more of a leading symptom, according to Halbert, than that of timidity; in fact, this writer rightly lays great stress on the mental symptoms of the drug. Graphites has want of sensation during coitus, with no discharge of semen. Selenium has the symptom that the prostatic fluid oozes while sitting, during sleep, when walking and during stool. It is useful in advanced cases where the organs are in a state of irritability.
The above article was taken from :-…

For more please read my answer to this question :-;…

Take care and God Bless you
My first suggestion would be to see a doctor. You need to find out if it-s physical or psychological.

One exercise I read in a medical mag once is the -pee and hold-. When urinating, stop and hold it in for a few secs. Release and do it several times when urinating.

But like I said, your best off seeing your doc.
try to control your feelings,dont get too much excited,it might help you
whenever u r going to ejaculate just stop moving and take deep breaths while concentrating to hold ur rjaculation
with practice it will b better
The following techniques will be beneficial in delaying ejaculation:
The -stop and start- method – in this method, the man learns to recognise the stage after which he cannot control ejaculation. The treatment method trains the person to remove the stimulus just before that stage is reached so that the urge to ejaculate is controlled. For example, when during masturbation, the man reaches a point just before ejaculating, he stops the stimulus until he starts losing the erection. Once the stage is past, he can resume the activity. This process is repeated again and again until the individual is able to delay ejaculation till the time he wishes. This method called the -Masters and Johnson method-, is most effective when the help of the partner is sought during actual intercourse.

The squeeze technique – in this method, the partner gently squeezes the tip or base of the penis just before the point of ejaculation thereby -cancelling- the orgasm. This process can be continued until the couple decides mutually to reach the climax.

Desensitising creams and gels are available in the market that reduce the sensitivity of the penis and help men reach climax later. Some men also feel that condoms reduce the sensations and, in addition to providing safer sex, help them last longer.

The couple can also experiment with sexual positions as some positions offer more control than others and may help to delay ejaculation.

Enjoy Life
Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most common sexual problem affecting 25%-40% of men. It is characterized by a lack of voluntary control over ejaculation. Premature ejaculation may be defined as occurring if the man ejaculates within two minutes or less of penetration; Today, most sex therapists understand premature ejaculation as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners. The use of the Lateral coital position is said to help alleviate premature ejaculation.

Often adolescents and young men experience -premature- ejaculation during their first sexual encounters, but eventually learn ejaculatory control.

Today it is believed that the neurotransmitor serotonin (5HT) has a central role in modulating ejaculation.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), SSRIs antidepressants such as dapoxetine, paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline are considered the most effective treatment currently available for PE.

Most sex therapists prescribe a series of exercises to enable the man to gain ejaculatory control. By far the most common exercise is the so-called start-stop technique. In doing this exercise, the male obtains an erection through self-stimulation, or masturbation. After achieving an erection, he stops stimulating himself until he begins to lose his erection; at that point, he begins to stimulate himself again. Gradually, over a period of several weeks, he is able to stimulate himself for longer periods of time, eventually gaining ejaculatory control. Another variant, for example, is to stimulate the shaft and frenulum of the penis, exploring the glans more as control improves.

The male-s wife is usually integrated into the exercises.
Log into masters and johnson web site and understand the squeeze technique. With the help of your partner you will come over this problem. You need patience and it may take 6 to 8 months. Ther are very good herbal products which are quite effective and no side effect.
you are normal, no need for any worry.
First - You are normal. Nature wants the male to ejaculate rapidly. Intercourse is for reproduction. If you can get fully inserted before you ejaculate, that-s good enough for making babies. But we do like to have fun with sex nowadays, and 2 minutes is not enough time to have much fun. There are many ways to delay ejaculation, but most are a pain in the *** and don-t always work. The easiest solution is one of the erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra. You can keep it up for at least a half an hour (if you want), and be rock hard the whole time.
did you already check the list of treatments and techniques available to cure premature ejaculation at
? I know a bunch of people from yahoo! answer found a solution there.
try the tip in this blog

try use aphrodisiac
Premature ejaculation? -

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How to stop premature ejaculation need help urgent please about to cut the dam thing off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? -

How to stop premature ejaculation need help urgent please about to cut the dam thing off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? -

Ok here-s what you do (provided that sex is the issue) have sex the way you would normally then once you ejaculate you-ll lose your erection for about 20 minutes, take this time to pleasure your partner for that 20 minutes, then once you regain you erection you-ll last longer and your partner will be much more satisfied. Hope this helps :)

Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes we get too wrapped up int the heat of the moment and excitement. Try pacing yourself a bit.
masturbate more avoid getting over excited....if a genuine concern then speak to a professional.
I can ejaculate several times with losing ***** lool
whilst shagging think about a hairy fat man regurgutating a dead cat over his naked body. you won-t *** for at least an hour!
Go slower, maybe you-re going too fast
Talk to a doctor.

that would be like cutting off your nose to spite your face, try googling it and see what you come up with
Ahh sweetie, don-t do an Elena Bobbit on yourself....speak to a doctor
bfore u ejaculate hold the tip of the penis for 10 sec
How to stop premature ejaculation need help urgent please about to cut the dam thing off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? -

Confused about premature ejaculation? -

Confused about premature ejaculation? -

i was fooling around with my girlfriend today, and after lunch i got blue balls... but then when i got home my underwear had semen stains in it. What happened? Is it pre ***? I-m worried about premature ejaculation...

It normal, can even happen in your sleep too. they call that a wet dream. Don-t worry about. maybe try masturbating a little more. But your fine...your ok.
so you-re balls were really blue? yeah right. because of the foreplay some semenial fluid will leak out as part of the natural lubrication for sex. but since you did not go all the way, the fluid spilled in your underwear.

whel. did u feel like u came? u probably didnt. probly just some pre com. nothing to worry about. ;D do the start and stop thing if u want to last longer jack 0ff till ur about to com then stop. go again... untill u feel like ur ready then com. it makes u have more stamina and everything. good luck!
im guessing at some point you had a hard on for quite a while.
i think it happens to all of us if we-re turned on enough.
not PE dw.
oh please don-t be try listening to mariah carey..obsessed
Confused about premature ejaculation? -

Monday, January 22, 2018

Sharp, VERY sore pain inside my penis after ejaculation!? -

Sharp, VERY sore pain inside my penis after ejaculation!? -

Ok well a few minutes ago I was randomly EXTREMELY HARD, so hard it hurt. so i masturbated to see if that would help, but after ejaculation it just all go very very sore inside like a sharp pain like my penis feels like it wants to explode into bits! it hurts.... I masturbate probably 1-2 times daily. and this rarely ever happens. I-m 15, a virgin. so why does it hurt so much?!?

Not as weird as some of the Answers up there.LOL

Masturbating 1 - 2 times a day is not excessive

No it won-t give you Cancer (very rare BTW)

Some other explanations ingenious.

It may just be a growing pain, your penis is getting bigger and there is tension until the other muscles - skin adjust.

There are 3 parts = 2 main chambers + urethra along the bottom. They don-t always grow at same time.
Fifteen and you ONLY masturbate 1-2 times a day? That-s more than you think; I don-t know where you-re getting the idea that it-s normal. Over-masturbation could result in prostate cancer. Periodic pain is a sign that you might be developing it. Feel your testicles for bumps, if you feel any, then go to a doctor right away.
There is no such thing as over mast.. will cause prostate cancer , on the other hand it help to prevent . Don-t worry .. I had this experience when I wan at your age.
It is a result of too frequent mast... rest for a few days and see the different or do it less like once a day. Drink a lot of plain water will help , some time if you drink too much carbonated sweet water and it will cause you that pain when urinate.
something you were thinking about made you get really hard-on. and
that-s what made all the blood rush to the top and when you started
to rub your penis. this is when the pain started. and as soon as you
ejaculate. so this is normal but it goes away by itself.
what i do n that case if jerk off again w/o it going more pain. Whats happening is that u still have sperm ready to come out but its stuck at the tip of ur dick. Try doing it it wont hurt
I get the same. Its just a result of you being extremely filled up with blood (what causes super hardness) and your penis saying it-s in pain from the pressure.
You are overdoing it. Lay off the masturbation for a while.
Maybe you are sensitive to that lube.
well if it hurt that much you wouldnt of jerked off .
Overdoing it, ? lol
jerk off less
Sharp, VERY sore pain inside my penis after ejaculation!? -

Ejaculation - Too much??? -

Ejaculation - Too much??? -

Well sometimes i can Ejaculate many times a day, (13 is my record) well, after it aches like a B***h.
So is it bad that it hurts? Is it to much when it starts to hurt?
Im 16 incase thats any relevents
Never mind about -get a life- or -get a girlfriend- - what you need to get is a pair of boxing gloves ! ! !
Mate, at this rate - you will seriously go blind. Or even worse, your tings will blister up and not function anymore.
dude don-t do that more then 1 time a day,after a year or maybe months of that u will start to loose feeling in the nerves in the penis head....and it will suck!!!!!!
You sound like most young guys who masturbate regularly , although 13 times in one day is a bit excessive and that is why you will get a dull ache in your testicles , and a bit messy !!! I hope you are cleaning it up .
You should not have done any lasting harm , but I suggest that now you have created some sort of record 13 in a day you should reduce this to at most 2.
Just make sure when you do masturbate it is an a secure area where you will not be disturbed as it can be embarrassing if your mum walks in on you .
you are growing up.
well you should be appearing in the world book of records. but there is no harm how much you ejaculate provided you enjoy all such ejaculations.
lol,can never b too much m8..watever makes ya happy,but i do suggest u cut down
too much playing hun..leave it alone! you-ll go blind!!!
take control of yourself mister
It aint a competition!!
The body can only take so much strain.If your in the gym and over do it your muscles ache or are pulled.Your doing the same
down below.Give it rest.We all have pointless pulls at some time.But you are thinking with it.
get a life or a girlfriend. maybe a job. u got to much time on your hands.
that is tooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhh kiddddddddddddddd!!

you can apply for a porn

or be part of the Guinness Book of World Records
Check Guinness Book of Records see what they say?? Its no harm, but the ache is due to over use!! Calm down, read a book!
Nothing about masturbation is inherently damaging, and nothing about it becomes damaging just because it is done very often. On the other hand, nothing about masturbation provides an exemption from the physical laws governing any other form of physical activity. You CAN masturbate too much in the same way that you could run too much, or bike too much, or type too much. So, if your hand is cramping, or you are rubbing yourself raw, or it is starting to hurt, stop for a while.

Masturbation usually involves friction, the possibility of blisters and friction burns exists, but this possibility can be greatly reduced with use of lubricants.
Hey, if you can manage 13 in a day thats brilliant, I am 22 and i can probably manage like 3 or 4 in a day, after that i kinda lose interest, but i guess you-re still new at it, how long have you been masturbating? Yes, mine also starts hurting after the fourth or fifth time ive done it, dont worry, its normal, its basically your penis-s way of saying im really tired, stop riding me now, let me refuel - you-ll probably realise that the amount of *** also reduces and you-re just ejaculating about a drop every time.

So my advice is keep going at it, but dont overdo it, give it a rest and let it refuel!!!!!
Leave it alone. I am presuming you are doing this on your own. You can develop a pathalogical desire to masturbate by doing it too much. If it hurts then yes you do need to leave off for a bit. Try getting some other exercise as you need some way of burning off this energy in a non-sexual way.
wow..thats a massive record i only do it like 5 times a i think you should cut down a bit you cold end up with no sperm when your
um well now lets see your wanking your nuts dry and it`s painfull, it takes time for your body to replenish the natural fluids and as for to much, dude you need to slow down on the jerking off get a hobby or a video game
You have found out that the only real limit to how many times a day you can masturbate is how much pain you can take!!! The pain is an indicator that the area is getting sore, but apart from that you re doing no other damage. Leave it a few days and you-ll be back to normal!
when i was 16, i was horny 24-7 so the urge to masturbate a lot is understandable. but 13 times in a day? wow thats too much, pretty impressive record though. but like said before your just doing it way too much. cut back to once a day, but if thats too hard for ya, do it twice a day at most. also i recommend skipping atleast a day, 2 if you can, but really take a break from it for as long as you can. then when you start again, keep it to once a day, twice at most.
You-ll be the envy of every man on Answers, but if you do it too often you-ll find that in not only gets very sore, it will also lose sensitivity and you won-t be able to use it for its proper purpose.
When I was 16 I can remember doing it on average about 4 times a day. I-ve never done it 13 times in one day before (my all time record is 7), so I can-t imagine what that is like. But when you get to the point where you are getting sore or aching, then you are doing it too much.

If I were you I would cut down to no more than 4 times a day. If you need to make a semi-schedule (once when you wake up in the morning, twice in the middle of the day when you get horny and, once before you go to bed).

One piece of advice I can give you is to never masturbate when you are not horny. Never masturbate out of boredom because that means you are doing it too much and need to get a life and find other things to do with your free time. Play some video games, go ride a bike, hang out with some friends at the mall or do your homework instead. Only masturbate if you have a clear erection at the time, don-t work your way up to one!
Do other things than wanking okay.Cut down to once a day or2-3 times per week.Use a lot of lube and too much you might hurt yourself and face problems later.
u can never ejaculate too much, its when its not enough it becomes a problem.
Slow down tiger.
ur killing a lot of ur kids bro.think of all the waste of life
you know, just because you can doesn-t mean you should.
I think you should get a hobby and stop all this w@n@ing - you-ll go blind eventually. Play football or something.
Ejaculation - Too much??? -

Why do i have jelly like substance on my semen? ... And I do have painful ejaculations. HELP! :(? -

Why do i have jelly like substance on my semen? ... And I do have painful ejaculations. HELP! :(? -

I usually masturbate once a day. but if i don-t do this often, perhaps like a week or so, this happens. is this normal? please advise. :(
I believe its normal. The longer your baby batter has to wait to come out the thicker (sometimes chunkier) it becomes.
Do you drink enough water? And lots of coffee. This can create a gritty feeling.

Other then that its normal, except the hurting part, could be a gonorhea infection too. Or could be epididymides or prostititis.
Do you remember to wash it down there?
Hmmm Docs Know Best
Talk to a doctor. Sounds like you might have an infection.
Why do i have jelly like substance on my semen? ... And I do have painful ejaculations. HELP! :(? -

Sunday, January 21, 2018

What would be better to take 5HTP or L- tryptophan when treating premature ejaculation? -

What would be better to take 5HTP or L- tryptophan when treating premature ejaculation? -

We-ve come to the conclusion that my boyfriends serotonin levels are very low.
He-s spoken to his GP about it. His GP recommends either 5HTP or L-Tryptophan to raise his serotonin levels.

We-ve tried several methods, hypnosis, stop-start method, creams, gels, condoms - whatever. So we think its his serotonin levels - they need raising.

But would would be more beneficial to him?

He-s not depressed, doesn-t suffer from sleeping disorders or anything like that.

We know the 5HTP needs to be monitored closely because it may lead to under/overdose. We haven-t been able to find much about the L-Tryptophan pill....

Any suggestions?
you could first ask him or help him msbt


then second time when it stands in 20 minutes or so

let him in and you will see him gain confidence

save docs money send it to me

PREMATURE EJAC = NO ENTRY AND DISCHARGE INSTANTLY BUT IF HE ENTERS and doesnt stay long that is not premature that needs holding power . but continue docs treatment till mine helps
Dear his case is very severe. Take my word serotonin drugs shall give him no relief as in practical such patients have high level of anxiety so when he makes sex his condition shall be the same even after the threapy. In such severe cases we prescribe specialized herbal combination which are not antidepressants but act on higher centers of brain relating to ejacaultion which raises the bar or threash hold level of ejaculation. Such threapy shows very very good results as compared to any antidepressant threapy.

Dr Anil Kumar
Specialist Sexual Medicine
What would be better to take 5HTP or L- tryptophan when treating premature ejaculation? -

Monday, January 15, 2018

Does too much masturbation lead to premature ejaculation? -

Does too much masturbation lead to premature ejaculation? -

I think it would be opposite... if you can actually train yourself to control ejaculation when you masturbate, you can last a lot longer and have more enjoyable sex.

NONO.. absolutely nonsense, no scientific proof on that. Try the real action instead.. In real action, You need to go slow then eventually speed up a bit.. a few -half digs- than go deep once every while.. :) You really need to control the desire to shoot and prolong the period..
I would prefer using -natural- solution to cure rather than taking pills :)
I have learnt quite a few techniques myself from one book.. hehe..
Remember there-s a saying -it isn-t the size of that matters, it-s how long and how many times you can make it stand- :)

Check Out This Report Today --

Discover The Secrets To Stop Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed. Finally A Remedy For Premature Ejaculation.
Give Your Sexual Partner A Better Sex Life Today!
la la la yesss...and much more. The chemical reactions that take place during orgasm and ejaculation reduce testosterone and create another chemical called dihydrotestosterone(DHT) that causes hair loss. Testosterone is needed to maintain muscle mass, bone mass, mental energy, and physical energy. The vitamins and nutrients lost with the expelled semen such as zinc further deteriorate your bones, muscles, flesh, brain, and even your eyes.

Every time you watch porn or think of sexual images powerful chemicals are released in your brain bringing an intense feeling of pleasure. These same chemicals are released in drug addicts brains when they get their fix of crack, heroine, morphine, or whatever drug they are addicted to.

Solution = Cover your penis with scotch tape or duct tape from base to tip while it is flaccid. Don-t wrap it so tight that it cuts off circulation. Leave the tip open so you can still urinate.This will inhibit erections and make it impossible to masturbate. These tapes aren-t toxic and are easier to take off if you shave. This method is painless, harmless, cheap, and easy.

I know of many more methods. PM me for more info
Never implied to be anywhere.
it doesn-t
Does too much masturbation lead to premature ejaculation? -

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Are balls full of *** all the time? Or do they make *** just before ejaculation? -

Are balls full of *** all the time? Or do they make *** just before ejaculation? -

I-m guessing by when your write *** you mean semen. Most semen is not produced or stored in the -balls.- It is made and stored in a gland inside a man-s body called a prostate.
After ejaculation, it takes a while for a man to build up his semen levels.

Sperm is produced in the testes (in the scrotum). They are continually being produced but their levels go down once a man has an ejaculation.

Don-t confuse semen with sperm. Sterile guys don-t produce sperm but continue to produce lots of semen. Semen is the fluid that transports the sperm (the cells with little -tails- that attempt to get into the girl-s egg.)

first no offense but if u-re a girl u shouldn-t realy be wonderin about this stuff and noo they always have sperm in them but unlike girls we are born with them they are not reproduced as we grow hense forth low sperm counts just so u kno.
Mine are
Theyre full of it until a guy cums, then he starts making it again. and everytime he jacks off or has sex, then it gets emptied, and starts over, soo like if he doesnt jerk it for 2 months, dont wear spandex.
No, they are not full of sperms all the time. Fact is, it takes a man around 3 days to fully recover from a single ejaculation. Semen is constantly being produced in the testicles but at small quanitites.
testicles do produce sperm all the time yes. Actually it takes, I think it was a month, for the whole production cycle. So the only way you can have sperm ready for an ejaculation, is by producing all the time, and storing. A bit like cars, it can take 1 month to build one in a factory, but when you go to the dealership there will be one ready for you.

why are you embarassed to write -sperm-, but not -ejaculation-? ;-)
there will always be some in there, i believe that everyday about a table spoon is created in them
Are balls full of *** all the time? Or do they make *** just before ejaculation? -

Friday, January 12, 2018

Premature Ejaculation? -

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Cure premature ejaculation how to? -

Cure premature ejaculation how to? -

is there a way tu cure this problem or at least control it? I had searched the web twince looking for answers, and if the site doesn-t contain unuseful info, its for pay. I last like 3 minutes, and I think that-s a great problem.
P.D.: I don-t have a partner, I had sex when I was like 12, so I think I had to rush not to be caugh. Anyway, that person and I are no longer lovers to wait for the right person, so I need something to help me that it-s free and I can do it alone. Thanks!
When you urinate, practice stopping mid-stream, starting again, stopping, and starting. When you get better at it, you-ll be able to start to control your ejaculation better. They are, of course, stimulated by different signals that innervate different muscles overall. However, many of those muscles in the pelvic region are the same.
No it is not Good, It gets into overdoing gradually..

pl read this willl stop yr this Drastic habit..m sure...good day...

Pl read this answer very yr question is very sincere question:-

First of all when some one Masturbates...he enjoys the Orgasm of Coitus with himself alone..without incurring liability of making anybody Pregenant..

It also amounts to some amount of Energy release...

but the most SHOCKING part of this INDOOR SPORT is

that after a long inning of Masturabtion....the Player...becomes a Victim.. of Pre-mature Ejaculation..
which means..
getting to arousal and orgasm must faster and ealier than the Female partner in the Coitus...
leading to a very shameful disgusting state for Male and Unsatisfied Burning state of the Female..
and sometime
Leading Broken Marriage or Exra-marital Relationships..

U might hv seen advt..normally on back page of Newspapers..trying to catering and Cheat such Victims of Pre-mature Ejaculators..

so it is up to u..whether to enjoy alone (Without her) for few yrs b4 marriage or with her After Marriage for Decades to come..while reaping all the benefits of A Satisfied , Committed wife...or..............

Good Luck
The Start Stop Technique : The basic technique is stimulation of the penis until just before the point of orgasm, and then stopping stimulation until arousal is lower. Start stimulating again and the process is repeated until desired length of time until orgasm is reached, You may lose your erection when you stop the stimulation, but just start again. The most Important part of this exercise is to try everyday if possible. This exercise may take 3-5 months for improvement.

Pelvic floor muscles : Stop the flow of urine while you are peeing. As you are peeing, intentionally stop the flow of urine. Do this several times until you can clearly feel the muscle you are using to stop the flow.…

Masturbation........ practices makes perfect also exorcise your groin muscles to learn to control it as well it worked for me

This site may help and yes its free
3 minutes?... that sucks. try masturbating like half hour before having sex. i heard thats supposed to help but i dont know for sure cause i have the opposite problem you have. i last too long and cant finish
think of your worst memory! like that guy on gLee who thought of when his mom hit the mailman with her car and he went all over the windshield.
Limited masturbation works wonders.
Cure premature ejaculation how to? -

Squeezing the penile shaft to stop ejaculation? -

Squeezing the penile shaft to stop ejaculation? -

What is the harm/effect of squeezing the penile shaft to stop ejaculation when you masturbate? I was experimenting many times and I am pretty sure now I have damaged something (nerves? urethra?) etc. I have no idea. But my penis and erection doesn-t feel the same anymore. And at night it seems to hurt around the perineum area, like a pressure and when I go to urinate, some urine leaks out later on. Overall just uncomfortable. :[
stupid me....
DON-T do this. It can cause retrograde ejaculation, which can cause infections and overall is just not a good thing.

Basically what retrograde is...when you stop your ejaculation, the semen has to go somewhere. And since it can-t take the direction it-s supposed to take - out - it goes in the opposite direction, back inside your body.
Yup, Anna is spot on.

If you stop ejaculation the semen is forced backwards under great pressure.

It either forces the bladder sphincter or more likely semen is forced back into tubes to testes carrying bacteria and causing nasty infections.

Don-t do it.

Yes I know some men use it to control ED but they can end up Sterile.

This is a technique that is used to make sex last longer, so you probably didn-t do long term damage. Go see a urologist if you are unsure. Maybe, its not related, so you should get it checked out.
You may block the blood supply that could damage the tissues.
No harm. In fact, I-ve found that it increases the pleasure.
Yes, very stupid you.
Squeezing the penile shaft to stop ejaculation? -

How can I get an energy after ejaculation HELP~!!? -

How can I get an energy after ejaculation HELP~!!? -

I need to go to a Gym and work out in the aerobics class for 3 hrs, but I came and now exhausted........

rest and recouperate

drink lots of water, electrolyte drinks before and after sessions.

take some Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin E+ Selenium, Pumpkin Seeds oil capsules to Replenish Male Homonal balance.

Eat a little bit and drink something. You need to replenish your fluids.
Take an energy drink.
Well of course anyone would be tired if they-ve just got finished working out
well try jerkin after the gym
go and sleep . eat food .
eat and drink juice. just out of curiosity, why is ur icon a girl?
Brotha, just take some cialis or viagra.... lol

try this site...
How can I get an energy after ejaculation HELP~!!? -

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How to overcome premature ejaculation? -

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Saturday, January 6, 2018

Premature Ejaculation Remedies? -

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I had my first ejaculation... it was in the shower...? -

I had my first ejaculation... it was in the shower...? -

my penis was fully erect... and all i could get out was 3-4 squirts of white liquid which i knew must be the semen with sperm.... my penis is 3 when flacid and 5.5 ish when fully erect if that matters....

Thank the lords them nuts is working!
Congratulations! Its the best feeling in the world for a boy, and being able to do it is cause for celebration!

As for what happened. That-s pretty normal. Presuming you are barely in puberty, your penis is actually large for your age. It was sperm, clearish white is normal for your age. You had about an average amount of squirts -- so you are in good shape.

Tiger 777; Im guessing it was pre ejaculate if it was clear. Im guessing your 13 or 14. Your on your way just give it time son. Good Luck Steve
Congratulations! Isn-t that wonderful? Have a celebration!
hey u r a man now b proud oh yea b careful with the soap in the pee hole it burns like crazy
what exactly is the question, are wondering if what happened is normal? yes it was.
Good for you, you-re now physically an adult and can get women pregnant, so be careful.

What-s your question?
im 14 and its sperm but not everyone has pre-c*m stuff i don-t and it makes no difference trust me i also still only get 3-4 squirts but i know if you wait longer to masturbate your semen will have more sperm in and more cloudy
good for you
it felt good didn-t it
the showers a great place, easy to clean up
btw... your penis is a good size
I had my first ejaculation... it was in the shower...? -

A question about male ejaculation/orgasm? -

A question about male ejaculation/orgasm? -

I have this worry... Say, my penis is being stimulated to the point of ejeculation/orgasm. The person stops stimulating when I-m about to come and then starts the stimulating again. However, we needed to stop because something came up-not an emergency-and I did not come. Is there any thing wrong or do you do your body harm by getting stimulated to the point of ejaculation but stop right before you do because you-re late to work or something?

It is not harmful for you.
No. There-s nothing wrong other than the feeling for a while a sense of discontent because you still feel a -feeling- that you need to -finish-. What may happen is you may feel some pain in your testes aka blue balls. This happens because your entire reproductive organs got all wound up for the shoot, and then, it was all for naught. LOL It-s fine. If you didn-t ejaculate, it-s ok. However, let me point out that it is harmful if say you ejaculate, but covered your urethral meatus (the opening of your penis) to prevent it from coming out. What happens then is that it returns back up the urethra (the pipe from which you urinate/micturate) and empties itself into the bladder, which is known as retrograde ejaculation. This can cause urinary infections, infertility, or weakening of the bladder sphincter.

I hope I answered your question. :-)
There-s a technique called, -Edging-. It-s where the male gets just to the point of orgasm and then stops. It is not harmful, I-ve been doing it for over 30 years. A Male can have multiple ejaculations without having an orgasm, they are two totally separate things. It-s a way to control your ability to have sex longer, and I mean a lot longer. I was a 30 min man in college before I started edging, now, 3-4+ hours is not tough at all. Of course there-s forplay with penetration thru the 3-4hours, heck we-d both be raw if it was that amount of time with nothing but penetration! LOLOL!!! And the gals that enjoy long love making or are hard to reach orgasm really like it too-but most gals I think would just enjoy an hour or two, from what I-m reading here anyway!
And in the morning, I-ll even bring myself to the brink and stop, just to make for an -edgie- day! Keeps you hornie ALL DAY! won-t hurt you a bit!
No, you actually learned a to have orgasms without ejaculation.

When you don-t ejaculate, you can have an orgasm, keep your erection and can keep going as long as you want. has a guide on how to master this. Its great cause you don-t lose your erection, and you can have as many orgasms as you can handle, it just takes some practice.
nothing wrong or going to happen to you at all! many dudes do this to prolong their orgasm and it also intensifies the blast! i love it if i can make it go usually feels so good that i won-t control myself and stop though!
No there is no problem in this... I heard that it is a good thing to stop and than go again. Youll blow a load the biggest in your life but it takes alllot of self controll to be able to stop...
No that is not a problem at all.
If you practise this during sex:you last even longer.
The start and stop method.
But if you come:you are about to explode.
Have loads of fun doing that:Sky.
There is no problem with getting near ejaculation and stopping...
No problem. If you wind up with -blue b-lls- it will ache, but won-t cause any harm.
A question about male ejaculation/orgasm? -

Do i have premature Ejaculation? -

Do i have premature Ejaculation? -

I began to have sex about 7 months ago. I tipicly have sex 4 times a month. Most of the time me and my girl have to have sex under some kind of time limit or we are alert to noises if my dad or mom come to the house. So whene i begin to penetrate her i can last for about 30 to 40 seconds non stop. After that i begin to pull out and repet the same process. Most of the time i ejaculate 15 minutes to 30 minutes later. Usualy mi girl does not reach the orgasm. So i wait 10 Minutes and i get another hard one. And usualy the 2nd one take along time, i can got for about 5 minutes non stop. Then i begin the stop and go process again. Most of the time she reaches the orgasm by the second time. My question is...what advice do you have to last longer during the first try. I dont think its a smart idea to alway ejaculate twice right?thanks for your time
If you have to pull out after around 30 seconds to avoid the climax, that sounds to me like you are experiencing premature ejaculation. However, you have found one way to deal with it. If you are not against it, you could try masturbating in private before having sex. There are more ways and information at

Best of luck.
sounds like you-re doing ok, always scary thou if you can-t finish. on the first try at least you got it off ok.
You sound normal to me. You might want to try things when you don-t have to rush though. Practice makes perfect!! Have fun!
premature ejaculation can be caused by trying to rush, stressed that you may get caught. Try to find a more appropriate time when you can get together and aren-t so rushed
Do i have premature Ejaculation? -

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Plz tell me some homemade medicine tu cure premature ejaculation? -

Plz tell me some homemade medicine tu cure premature ejaculation? -

most of the time, this is only a matter of control - concentration not something phisycal

well there are no such homemade remedy to cure this thing! however there are some step that helps reducing premature ejac. I have been told that prem. ejac happens due to high temperature rate of certain organs of your body! you have to have some tonics to reduce you body organ temperatures to normal! decreasing heavy protien diets and increasing milk and milk products always have positive effects! (use skimmed milk)
however there is no homemade remedy.....
There isn-t any buddy just work on your penis muscles. There are a few things you can do. the best exercise is when you are urinating just stop the flow for up to 10 seconds and then start it again do this 2 to 3 times every time you pee and you should be able to keep your excitement inside.
Do not know anything about making your own medicine but maybe these things might help?

Zinc capsules from GNC
Arginine capsules from GNC
Yohimbe from GNC
L-Ornithine from GNC
Plenty of hydration
Eat pineapple fruit cups daily
Getting enough exercise and sleep
try eating bananas
Plz tell me some homemade medicine tu cure premature ejaculation? -

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Is there any remedy on how to prolong our ejaculation? does kegel exercise works? -

Is there any remedy on how to prolong our ejaculation? does kegel exercise works? -

mine is 4- when hard

Practice. Practice. Practice.
Masturbate everyday and you-ll slowly start gaining more and more control over yourself.
Well one way to prolong your ejaculation during intercourse is to practice. By practice I mean to masturbate and when you feel you are getting ready to ejaculate, stop. Let your penis cool down and when done, start the process all over again!

Do that at least twice a day until you have intercourse.

Hope that helped dude!
Well, there are foods that have been proven to increase your sperm count I am told. So by eating those certain foods, you would in turn have more sperm, which then would make your ejaculation longer.

But I-m not sure, you might consider doing some research.

Good luck
Dear Kegal exercises strengthn the pelvic muscles but inpractice they have very little effect on controlling there ejaculations. For getting effective control over your ejaculations you can learn and practice Screw Technique which is far more effective in PE

Dr Anil Kumar
Sr Sex Specialist
yes they do work a little. you have to do them often getting used to them. it will help but it also takes up to a month to get bigger. you will start seeing results in a week or so.
Why would you wanna prolong ejaculation. Don-t worry about the girl having an orgasm... just do your business, wreck her face, and go to bed with a smile.
Is there any remedy on how to prolong our ejaculation? does kegel exercise works? -

How to correct a premature ejaculation? -

How to correct a premature ejaculation? -

A few things you can try..

1. Use condoms when having sex, it will cut down your sensation and squeeze blood in there a bit to keep the erection longer.

2. Masturbate about 45 minutes - hour before you intend to have sex. The second time around, you will last much longer.

3. Try a -c0ck ring- - they-re available at sex stores.
Oh I forgot to add before.. If you use this one don-t use it for more than 20 - 25 minutes at a time --- why? because it restricts or stops blood flow and you wouldn-t want the blood in your penis to die.

4. Try to relax.. perhaps practice breathing exercises or take up yoga or a martial art.
You should seek medical help. Its a problem men have had since the beginning of time, doctors aren-t going to make fun of you. They-ve seen it a hundred times.

Do you masturbate? If you don-t have a problem masturbating then from what I-ve learned you should try and retrain your brain and body.

First of all you need about an hour a day, trust me, even if your busy, you can find ONE hour out of your day.

This technique works best alone, however if your partner is patient and willing, thats a much better way, but harder to control.
Begin by either watching porn or getting a magazine. You-re going to need stimulation in order for this exercise to work.
Start with masturbating, when you feel the urge to ejaculate, stop and squeeze the base of your penis until the feeling goes away. Once the feeling goes away, wait about 1 full minute, then continue.
Do this until the hour is up then let loose. Do this for 2-3 weeks, and you-ll have insane amount of control the next time you step up to the plate.

However, I am no professional and this may or may not work.

Good luck.
Do it more often.
Try exercise.
see for some details.
It helped with my PE
How to correct a premature ejaculation? -

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Do I have retrograde Ejaculation? -

Do I have retrograde Ejaculation? -

I am 16 years old and have not had any surgery on my bladder or anything like that. When I ejaculate little or no semen comes out. About 5 minutes later I urinate but alot more semen comes out when I milk it out afterwards. Could this be retrograde ejaculation?

No. It is trapped seman which thins down and runs out.
Yes, this sounds like retrograde ejaculation, although I can-t think why since you-re so young. It may be that you need some stregthening of your pelvic gurdle muscles. I would try some kegel exercises (same muscles you use to stop your urine stream) and see if that makes a difference. If it persists, consider mentioning it to a physician. While it won-t hurt you, it might affect your ability to have children if the ejaculate doesn-t exit correctly at he correct time.
IF you are holding the base of your penis tight when you ejacuate this will cause the ejacualate to back flow into the bladder. If you are not holding too tight a grip you make have a blockage and the prostate cannot emply properly. Best to see a urologist is the first line is not the case.
Talk to a docotor about that.

Do I have retrograde Ejaculation? -