Thursday, September 13, 2018

Control Ejaculation? -

Control Ejaculation? -

How can I control ejaculation for longer period when I making love. Is there any tonic, spray or medicine available in market. Or is it self control which will help.
How does these actors on Xrated films can do it for longer time. Any treatment?

Only Doctors or person with medical knowledge answer. Do not answer just to secure your points or I will report abuse.
I doubt that there is any tonic or spray that would help. A lot of control is mental. People who make these movies do it in several takes. They really don-t stay hard for several hours until the female has several orgasms. Although, if you have a partner that is multi-orgasmic, you are very lucky. Which is a good reason for your own control.
One suggestion is to have sex often. If you have sex VERY often, your orgasm will take longer and therefore, give you more control. If you don-t have sex that often, try masturbation a few hours before sex. This may help. too.
Good luck
With me smoking weed and getting drunkalways made me last longer. Just don-t get so loaded that you can-t get your dick hard........
Get over yourself, moron. I am a doctor. Of common sense!
they practice i think
control ur ejac, pills or medication always have side effects
There are all sorts of topical creams available to dull senses in your penis to prolong ejaculation. You also need to get your mind in gear or change your rhythm for a few minutes. One cream is prolong, it is available over the counter but not all drug stores carry it--just buck up and go in and ask a druggist. No I am not a doctor, if I were I would not be here. Just know what I have been told and seen used.
I am not a doctor. You may report abuse.
But here is my formula.
1. Do jelking (search on the net). It will grow penis and provide you more control.

2. Do kegel (again look on net). It is helpful.

3. Divert your mind when NEARING point of no return. It takes practice, but has goos results.

4. PORN stars. It is unnatural. Some of them use medicine. But it is their profession. You should have it the natural way in your personal life.

Masturbate an hour before sex. It will also delay ejaculation.
Are you married??

If you are married,you no need to worry because when you experience the sex day by day...!you will learn how to extend the time...!because when you do anything as would appear more curiosity about that...!that-s all..!

If you are unmarried...there is no chance to get this experience because you would not get sex as legally...!
Actors in X-rated films have camera tricks, multiple shots, etc. in their favor.

Just slow it down sometimes, or think about something REALLY UNSEXY for a couple seconds... grandma? A car accident? Chores?
My boyfriend has this problem sometimes also. What he has learned to do is if he feels he is -ready- but its too soon, we will change positions. Or if you take it out for a minute and just pleasure ur girl, it will help also. Just take ur time and try not to think about it.
It is just a game of mind.Anaesthetic sprays or creams are available which can prolong it,but in long run it can be harmful.So try to do frequent sex,more the frequency more will be the duration.try to change position when you feel your are about to over,it also works.
What I can suggest you is to visit specialized website like

you can find there a complete list of treatments available today on the market with a short and easy explanation for each of them.
Control Ejaculation? -