Saturday, April 24, 2010

Need madicine for pre mature ejaculation? -

Need madicine for pre mature ejaculation? -

No Meds for that..All you have to do is practice...and don-t be over excited with your partner..

sorry to tell you, but there is no real medicine for this situation..
it is mainly mental..
i suggest that you do some kegal (pelvic muscle) exercises to increase your -playing time-..
it reakky does help to increase your stamina..
also, you can try to focus on other things.. this also tends to work quite well..

good luck,
This may sound funny, but my ex had the same he also took it upon himself to deter it, whenever he would get a little too excited, he would start talking about the bills. Never really effected me any...I guess I-m a dead set-one way kinda gal, once you turn me on, it-s like a twister heading your way gonna go through hell and high water to turn me away. But it worked for him.*shrug* Perhaps even just trying to think of something else?
Need madicine for pre mature ejaculation? -