Monday, July 15, 2013

How to make a strong ejaculation? -

How to make a strong ejaculation? -

Watch Peter North-s movies a lot

practice,practice,practice, the less often you have sex the more powerful your ejaculation will is tried and true
Having your penis being stimulated for a long period of time makes it have a stronger ejaculation during that orgasm. Besides that, I don-t know.
Do the stop and go method
Build it up, when you feel like coming-Don-t! Keep doing this until you can-t hold out any longer then BAAM! Strong ejaculation!
kegel exercises help even though these are more commonly done by women it helps guys too) and prolong the act
get close to coming and hold back do this a few times before you actually -blow- I have gotten shots up to 3 feet
How to make a strong ejaculation? -