Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ejaculation question? -

Ejaculation question? -

So i recently learned that, according to one kid on heres question and answer that followed, is that I am one of those people who can hit multiple orgasms, you know, one and keep going, one and keep going, surprisingly with impressive giz shots on all but the fifth, usually were i run out anyways and the girl is usually done by then anyways, **** there usually done before the first, only had two girls ever make it past 2, anyways, around the third for some reason, i guess it is the strain of the muscles but my asshole hurts like i am constipated / extreme **** strain, what is it?
can you get hemeroids (mis-spelled sorry) from this.
It takes practice, lots of practice, as they control the actual ejaculation and just take advantage of the orgasm
Ur prostrate gland gets all engrossed with blood from the continued activity Dude. It isn-t a health problem and goes down in a little while.
It only gets engrossed to a limit and then is doesn-t go any worse.

U feel it in ur inner lower insides and it feels like ur rectum or the base of ur penis up inside. The slight inconvenience is nothing compared to the pleasure of multiple orgasms.

I-m suspecting that u are around 18 or 19 which is where that ability usually shows up. Would be awesome if u could keep that ability into marriage which is where u could really develop it with ur Lady.

Me! :- )
Its very confusing question.
Ejaculation question? -