Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I dont feel good after ejaculation? -

I dont feel good after ejaculation? -

i-ve been masterbating since i was 13 i-m 18 now. I dont often feel good after I ***, and i dong feel really good as i used to before. Whats wrong?

Sounds like the magic is gone out of your meat/hand relationship. You need some one else to pull it for you. Good Luck
You just need to have a partner. Sex was meant to be shared. A partner (male or female) will keep you from being depressed while your body is replacing the hormones you used up in having an orgasm. It really does make a big difference.
dont masturbate find a girl that you can have sex so that you feel better. if you masturbate you feel guilty because you throw your son in the sink.
Do you physically feel sick after like cramps or soreness in your groin or stomach? If so you need to see a doctor. OR is it emotionally you just feel crap? If its emotional then perhaps you feeling guilty about what you are masturbating about. Masturbation is normal and healthy so do not worry. It could also be you feel its not enough anymore. I myself have once got to that stage where my heart is sick of being alone and wants someone with me. For a while masturbation just had no appeal for me. but once dating and in love it all came back so maybe try that :-)
G U I L T ---- its a real problem huh, but it feels good while ur at it does-t it ?? go ask ur mother
I dont feel good after ejaculation? -